
Message from Jesus to Don Minutella during the Eucharistic Reparation in Milan/Italy - 9/15/2018

My son, learn the art of intimacy. Learn that only here, in front of Me, can you live the intimacy of love. I'm not present everywhere anymore, so you need to seek Me. I want you to be like John: lean your head on My heart, and look how wounded it is! My presence in the Holy Host has always been at the center of My Church; but now I'm not at the center anymore. They call it - those who are after you, and want you to be dead - they call it "nostalgia of the past". They say that there was a need for updating. They tell that the moment had come, to bring in processes of change. No, no. It is not so. Whole generations of believers have adored Me on their knees, with complete Faith. Oh, one day, when you will arrive here, you will find a vast number of souls, unknown to the world, who passed hours, hours on their knees in front of the tabernacles, or in front of one of these monstrances, from which - as if it were Mount Sinai - My glorious Divinity is shining.

Now they have decentralized the primacy of My presence. Now they say that it was necessary to return to the origins, and they throw My Divine Body at the floor, in the dust, in dirty hands, with the children who don't even know any longer who I am, and where I am; and what happens, My son? It happens that the churches become more and more empty, but they look the other way. They say - they say "the word, we must place the word in the center". But My Father did not ask anyone to bend the knees before the Holy Scripture. It is important as a compass for the eternal life. My word will never come to pass. It will be My word which will judge the world. Heaven and earth will pass away, but never will my word. And yet, this is My Body: here am I, living, true, like more than 2000 years ago, when I came on the earth. Here, in this Divine Host which you are adoring, you are adoring Me. I'm here with My Body, My Blood, My Soul and My Divinity.

From this place, to where I called you, the incense of this Reparation is now ascending before My Father. Too many are the offenses and the insults against My Real Presence. Few are those who continue to bend their knees in front of Me. I say, that even before they thought of taking Me away from the crowds, it is Me who is taking Myself away from them, and I lead the people of the chosen ones to Me. Adore Me with love, especially when you're tired, bored, absent-minded, cold hearted: then it will be you to comfort My heart. Only when you will have apprehended the eucharistic science, only then will you remain faithful until the end. Adore Me: I look for adorers of My Divine Presence, and the more I take it away from this false church, the more I grant it to those who are seeking Me on their knees, where they know that I'm still present. Look at my glory, and like John come, rest on My heart: it is here, in My eucharistic heart, that you find peace and strength.