Gloria.TV Journalists Attacked by Pro Death Demonstrators. Gloria.TV Journalists Attacked by Pro Death Demonstrators Last Friday night, journalists of Gloria-TV were violently attacked in the centre …More
Gloria.TV Journalists Attacked by Pro Death Demonstrators.

Gloria.TV Journalists Attacked by Pro Death Demonstrators

Last Friday night, journalists of Gloria-TV were violently attacked in the centre of Vienna while filming a public rally that was taking place in support of abortion.

About 100 pro-death-demonstrators gathered in front of a building housing offices of the Pro-Life organization ‘Human Life International’. 20 to 30 police officers accompanied them.

The participants yelled out notorious hate-slogans against Christians like: "If Mary had had an abortion, we would have been spared from Christians."

Ironically, the violent demonstrators were demonstrating in recognition of the "International Day of Violence Against Women".

Two Gloria-TV journalists wanted to film the event. For safety reasons, they kept themselves at a distance of several meters from the pro-death demonstrators.

But within seconds, masked figures rushed toward them and tried to prevent the filming. As the pictures show, the journalists had to protect themselves.

"Go away!, Go away!, Go away!"
"Stop filming! Stop filming!"

The police forces in charge of the situation intervened and offered backup assistance given the dangerous situation the two journalists found themselves in.

Eventually they requested that the team leave the area, even though they had behaved lawfully.

Policemen admitted to Gloria.TV that the violence had erupted solely from the abortion protesters.

One officer commented: "I cannot let you film here, we fear that you could be attacked again."

"They will attack you, if you continue filming, therefore I must prevent you (from filming)."

The two journalists, however, continued filming as other camera teams were doing the same.

But suddenly an aggressive female Pro-death demonstrator attacked the camera woman of Gloria.TV from behind.

The demonstrator ripped the camera out of the journalist’s hands, broke off the screen and destroyed the recording device, rendering it unusable.

At least five police officers witnessed the violence. The injured journalist asked them to take down the identity of the perpetrator, but the policemen did nothing.

At the insistence of the victim, a police woman finally politely asked the perpetrator for her identity card.

The assailant refused to hand it out and the police woman did not insist. Despite repeated urgings by the victim, the identity of the perpetrator remained unknown.

The assailant stood for several minutes with her bicycle near the victim and the police, and eventually left under the eyes of the officers.

The assaulted Gloria.TV journalist suffered a slight shock. She went to the nearest police station to file a report "against unknown persons".

The officials confirmed that the police officers present at the demonstration would have had the duty to take down the identity of the perpetrator.

The damages of the attack against Gloria.TV amounted to a loss of more than 1000 Euros.
The Police are for citizens "peace" not to tell free citizens to exercise freedom elsewhere because they don't want to deal with conflict... May our precious Lord grant your protection, and have mercy to give these officers and protestors the graces to repent before they face His judgement. I will pray for you all ..... I hope you offer the sufferings to the Father, with our cruified Christ's for …More
The Police are for citizens "peace" not to tell free citizens to exercise freedom elsewhere because they don't want to deal with conflict... May our precious Lord grant your protection, and have mercy to give these officers and protestors the graces to repent before they face His judgement. I will pray for you all ..... I hope you offer the sufferings to the Father, with our cruified Christ's for the salvation of souls ... God bless and keep you all !
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Pro-Life of unborn babies.
Against the killing of unborn babies.More
Pro-Life of unborn babies.

Against the killing of unborn babies.
The girl that was screaming at the reporter sounded like the devil in a horror show! Amazing video, God bless Gloria TV.John
God bless Gloria.TV! The archbishop of Vienna will not help you, but you are doing the right thing. Keep fighting. I also think, civil action against the organizers should be taken, yes, knowing that the world hates us.
This is what happens when people stand up for the truth, even in a benign way. All the Gloria.tv reporter needed to do was be there. Her Catholic presence was enough to set off the attack. This is not right, certainly. It was criminal. But I think it was to be expected. The world hates us because we don't belong to it. God bless the reporter for her courage and Catholic witness. And God bless …More
This is what happens when people stand up for the truth, even in a benign way. All the Gloria.tv reporter needed to do was be there. Her Catholic presence was enough to set off the attack. This is not right, certainly. It was criminal. But I think it was to be expected. The world hates us because we don't belong to it. God bless the reporter for her courage and Catholic witness. And God bless Gloria.tv.
In such situations in the future you should also take the badge numbers of the police who did not do their duty to serve and protect. You should also position yourself right in the midsts of the other news organizations.
This seems like a gross violation of police ethics. I hope you continue to pursue this matter and perhaps take civil action against the organizers of this protest.