An extraordinary impact An extraordinary impact Liturgy of Sunday 21 January 2024 Dear brothers and sisters, the passage from the Gospel of Mark we’re going to listen next Sunday January 21, reminds …More
An extraordinary impact

An extraordinary impact
Liturgy of Sunday 21 January 2024

Dear brothers and sisters, the passage from the Gospel of Mark we’re going to listen next Sunday January 21, reminds us of the profound reason why the bursting of Jesus onto the personal, social and international “scenario” of men and women of all times and latitudes has an amazing impact .

In fact, the announcement of the Good News (Gospel) that is : God present into the world with His omnipotent, uncontaminated and unconditional Love falls, so to speak, on the "ground" of a humanity which, due to sin, lives in the grip of confusion, insecurity and anguish, at the mercy of the primordial impulses of fear, of escape from reality, of uncontrolled violence….

Therefore it’s not surprising the incredible response of the Apostles, who, representing, so to speak, all those who will believe, leave everything and follow him, recognizing in Him the Truth that dispels the darkness and confusion of the mind, the only Way out from the insecurity and anguish of evil and death, eternal Life in communion of Love with God, with brothers and sisters, with the whole of creation….