
"Green" Bash Their Heads in at Christmas Crib

Ireland's ruling Green Party has failed to ban a Christmas nativity scene in Dublin that the Irish Farmers' Union has been providing with live, well-cared-for animals since 1995.

Dublin's "Green" Lord Mayor Caroline Conroy announced last month that she would ban the live nativity scene outside her residence, citing an "animal rights group" as the excuse.

Reputable organisations retorted that the crèche was a rare opportunity for city children to "see farm animals" - a strange argument for a nativity scene.

The governmental Office of Public Works saved the tradition warning that “the next thing that will be ditched in this country will probably be the word Christmas.” They will provice the living crib 2022 at a different location, at St. Stephen’s Green Park.

At the mayor's residence, there will only be a [lame] secular themed attraction for Christmas. The "Greens" are champions of the killing of unborn children and sick people, the mutilation of sexual organs, of infertile sex, and more.

Picture: Caroline Conroy © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsAtqabdwomc

Jeffrey Ade
@Croí Láidir You know that will happen during the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, right?
Croí Láidir
@Jeffrey Ade I most certainly believe in the Triumph Our Lady's Immaculate Heart just as Our Lady of Fatima promised over a 100 years ago at Fatima. However, it is heartbreaking to witness so many multitudes of souls (in this one case, Irish souls) following the road to perdition in the meantime. That said, this is why I personally pray every day and night for the conversion of Ireland back to Holy …More
@Jeffrey Ade I most certainly believe in the Triumph Our Lady's Immaculate Heart just as Our Lady of Fatima promised over a 100 years ago at Fatima. However, it is heartbreaking to witness so many multitudes of souls (in this one case, Irish souls) following the road to perdition in the meantime. That said, this is why I personally pray every day and night for the conversion of Ireland back to Holy Roman Catholicism and work to solicit the prayers of all faithful Catholics. Besides, to hasten the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of the Glorious Blessed Virgin Mary we must pray.
Jeffrey Ade
@Croí Láidir Yes! That is good! Prayer is action! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Croí Láidir
I pray every day and night to St. Patrick for the conversion of Ireland back to Holy Roman Catholicism. Please, everyone that reads this pray one Ave Maria for Ireland to convert back to Holy Roman Catholicism.
Jeffrey Ade
Christ will prevail either here in this life or in the next. I prefer here! But some times it seems as if we are " One of the Ninety Nine left Behind!"