
Pope wants to visit U.S. in 2015

(CNN) -- Pope Francis intends to visit the United States next year, CNN Vatican analyst John Allen said Friday, citing Vatican sources.…/pope-francis-us…
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Nothing has been confirmed yet, but if the trip does go ahead, it would be important, not just because it would mark Francis’ first official visit to the US, but also in terms of the defense of the traditional family in light of a growing international pressure for the legalization of same-sex marriage
vatican insider staff
Pope Francis has apparently expressed an intention to visit the United …More
Nothing has been confirmed yet, but if the trip does go ahead, it would be important, not just because it would mark Francis’ first official visit to the US, but also in terms of the defense of the traditional family in light of a growing international pressure for the legalization of same-sex marriage
vatican insider staff
Pope Francis has apparently expressed an intention to visit the United States in September 2015, for the 8th edition of the World Meeting of Families. This is according to Vatican sources who spoke to NCR this week. They stressed, however, that nothing is official yet and that it is too early to give any certain dates. The World Meeting of Families is held every three years in different parts of the world and was first launched by John Paul II in 1994. In February 2013, shortly...