Saint Anthony of Egypt - January 17 TheFatimaCenter 17 January (Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox) 30 January (Coptic Orthodox, Coptic Catholic) Profile Following the death of his parents when he was …More
Saint Anthony of Egypt - January 17
17 January (Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox)
30 January (Coptic Orthodox, Coptic Catholic)
Profile Following the death of his parents when he was about 20, Anthony insured that his sister completed her education, then he sold his house, furniture, and the land he owned, gave the proceeds to the poor, joined the anchorites who lived nearby, and moved into an empty sepulchre. At age 35 he moved to the desert to live alone; he lived 20 years in an abandoned fort.
Anthony barricaded the place for solitude, but admirers and would-be students broke in. He miraculously healed people, and agreed to be the spiritual counselor of others. His recommendation was to base life on the Gospel. Word spread, and so many disciples arrived that Anthony founded two monasteries on the Nile, one at Pispir, one at Arsinoe. Many of those who lived near him supported themselves by making baskets and brushes, and from that came his patronage of those trades. …More