
Is the Priest Shortage in Germany Intentional?


Alexander Kissler – the well-respected, often subtly ironic, conservative German journalist and editor of the culture section of the German journal Cicero who recently wrote a piercing critique of Pope Francis – has now written another important article on Catholic matters. This time, he reports on the fact that, last year, “in 2015, only 58 men have been ordained as priests in the whole of Germany [with 23,8 million Catholics].” Kissler makes the strong claim that this standing shortage of priests is actually wanted by the guiding progressives of the German Church. “The priests,” says the German journalist, “are in the way of the New Church of Participation.” He explains:

There has been no vote [in this matter], no order from Rome that the Catholic Church in Germany should go this path and no other. The Germans just do it, and as good Germans, they do it well.

As an example, Kissler mentions the Diocese of Limburg where its leadership is working to establish “Parishes of the New Type [“Pfarreien Neuen Typs” – PNT].” He continues:

There are, after all, already 30 of such “PNT’s” between Frankfurt, Taunus and Westerwald [places within the Diocese of Limburg]. In the relevant documents, the priests do not any more appear or, if so, then only as a stranger, as a stubborn relic by the side of the road. The full-time employees – together with the volunteers – shall participate together in partnership, under the guidance of parish counsellors and facilitators. The Spiritual Controlling rules.

Alexander Kissler convincingly demonstrates, by quoting from these current diocesan booklets, just how these new “participatory parishes” are implemented from above – and “initiated top-down” – in order to “make [the Church] step-by-step more compatible with the life realities of the people.”

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GJA Taylor
These fakes continue with their agenda of garbage and without real manly shepherds who lead, guide and govern their flocks the garbage continues. It isn't just in Germany, it is all over, so many clergy going around with their own agenda's that are not of Our Lord.
Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. Amen.
There's a shortage of priests in most of the modern world. I doubt that Germany is doing it on purpose. However, I got to believe that their free college education encourages many not to join a religious order. Money problems (the expense of a college education) can encourage a religious vocation. That's probably one of the main reasons Africa is not having a shortage of priests or nuns problem. …More

There's a shortage of priests in most of the modern world. I doubt that Germany is doing it on purpose. However, I got to believe that their free college education encourages many not to join a religious order. Money problems (the expense of a college education) can encourage a religious vocation. That's probably one of the main reasons Africa is not having a shortage of priests or nuns problem.

In America, Tax Simplification also hurt all charities. When they simplified the tax forms they included an automatic deduction for charitable contributions. Thus, when tax time came around many found that they couldn't write off their charitable contributions because they were already getting an automatic deduction for most if not all that they contributed. That encouraged many to give less in future years because they weren't getting to reduce their taxes by giving money to charities.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy) 🧐