A repentant sinner.

Silent No More Awareness Campaign: We Lied to Them

'I told women that their baby was a clump of tissue. I never asked them if they wanted any other choice, if they wanted to be a parent, if they wanted …
Tom Jones
This demonstrates that when an evil is given sanction of law people believe it moral, we must all do what we can to overturn unjust laws for the good of the souls of those who are misled by them.
chris griffin
This is a good conversion story of change of heart by the realization of depravity. Unfortunately, the repentance rate of abortive women is extremely low.
First, remember that repentance is a gift of God and the grace of repentance is guaranteed to nobody.
Second, remember that sin hardens the heart, Heb 3:13, and the greater the sin, the more they are hardened.
Third, nobody in the Bible was ever …More
This is a good conversion story of change of heart by the realization of depravity. Unfortunately, the repentance rate of abortive women is extremely low.

First, remember that repentance is a gift of God and the grace of repentance is guaranteed to nobody.

Second, remember that sin hardens the heart, Heb 3:13, and the greater the sin, the more they are hardened.

Third, nobody in the Bible was ever forgiven of baby murder, much less murder by the mother herself, much less abortion.

In my experience of watching about 75,000 women abort their baby, only five repented and came back to help us save other babies.