The testimony of a person cured by Padre Pio. Padre Pío of Pietrelcina is without a doubt one of the most renowned saints of modern time. A DVD gathers the testimonies of some people who were miraculously …More
The testimony of a person cured by Padre Pio.
Padre Pío of Pietrelcina is without a doubt one of the most renowned saints of modern time. A DVD gathers the testimonies of some people who were miraculously cured by this Italian saint.
Gemma Di Giorgi was born blind and at the age of seven through Padre Pio she received her sight; today she can see without pupils.
"A met Padre Pio when I was seven at the time I went to ask for the grace of sight, for I was blind since birth. My grandmother on my mother's side was the one who brought me to him. On the way there, before getting to San Giovanni Rotondo, or better even, before meeting Padre Pio I began to see."
Doctors had assured she would not be able to see because she lacked pupils, and even today they do not understand this miracle.
This and other touching cases are gathered in the DVD dedicated to the Saint of Pietrelcina and made available by the Eukmamie Foundation.
On April 24, 2008 in San Giovanni Rotondo, the saint's body was displayed …More
love you padre pio...