TradCatKnight Radio: 9/19/14 Francis & Russia. TradCatKnight Radio: 9/19/14 Francis & Russia Join the New Crusade at TradCatKnight!More
TradCatKnight Radio: 9/19/14 Francis & Russia.
TradCatKnight Radio: 9/19/14 Francis & Russia
Join the New Crusade at TradCatKnight!
c page on facebook specializing in endtimes prophecy. We reject Vatican II the New Religion. Please invite your friends and family to this page as well as spread the word in your various groups. We are g
Harken heareth an eagle speak!
Welcome to TCK (TradCatKnight). This is the largest and most comprehensive Traditional Catholic page on facebook specializing in endtimes prophecy. We reject Vatican II the New Religion. Please invite your friends and family to this page as well as spread the word in your various groups. We are growing very fast! Over 100,000 members and growing. I am now on Twitter,…More
Harken heareth an eagle speak!
Welcome to TCK (TradCatKnight). This is the largest and most comprehensive Traditional Catholic page on facebook specializing in endtimes prophecy. We reject Vatican II the New Religion. Please invite your friends and family to this page as well as spread the word in your various groups. We are growing very fast! Over 100,000 members and growing. I am now on Twitter, Tumblr and pinterest. Crusade on!
PLEASE LIKE the pinned post, watch the crusade video and then leave your “prayer requests” and/or advertising links/pages below!
Matthew 24:28
Wheresoever the body shall be, there shall the eagles also be gathered together.
17 more comments from tradcatknight
All Donations going forward to help grow and promote this Crusade are appreciated. Some of you have asked before in the past in how they can help out my ministry and work and I have declined for the most part to accept any such donations. However, now recognizing the urgency of the hour to help get this page and Crusade spread I am asking for donations in which will be used only to help …More
All Donations going forward to help grow and promote this Crusade are appreciated. Some of you have asked before in the past in how they can help out my ministry and work and I have declined for the most part to accept any such donations. However, now recognizing the urgency of the hour to help get this page and Crusade spread I am asking for donations in which will be used only to help grow this Crusade. To help spread this message and help others convert! Many of you know I spend a decent amount of time in promoting but I could spend a lot more time developing content with financial support which will help me generate ads so facebook would promote the page for me. I will be glad to spend more time in detail with those of you thru email first and then perhaps the phone if you would like so I can explain the vision for this page and crusade. Any help would be appreciated and I will make public announcements if/when we have enough money to begin an official facebook promotions page. Mind you I am Franciscan and have dedicated myself to poverty for those of you who think Im going to run off with your money! J I will keep everyone updated on this pages growth with numerous statistics once I get settled. Please send an email to with the word DONATION in the subject box. Thank you for your consideration, Ave Maria
***For those without access to the Latin Mass on Sundays***
You can watch or listen to the Mass on the Internet at the following links:
At this link you will find the Mass on internet TV at 6AM, 2PM and 10PM (everyday):
This site is internet radio and you will find Sunday Mass on at 9AM and Noon (check the schedule for weekday masses):…More
***For those without access to the Latin Mass on Sundays***
You can watch or listen to the Mass on the Internet at the following links:

At this link you will find the Mass on internet TV at 6AM, 2PM and 10PM (everyday):

This site is internet radio and you will find Sunday Mass on at 9AM and Noon (check the schedule for weekday masses):

This site is also internet radio and Sunday Mass is on at 10AM:

For those who need an online missal to follow along. Here is an online Latin/English version:

This missal must be printed out and then pages arranged in numerical order:
Fatima full movie
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Cardinal admits of wanting to conciliarize sspx…/archbishop_dino…
Q: What are your requirements in order for Tradcatknight to once again support the Neo-SSPX?
A: (Primary-1) The Neo-SSPX must formally and publicly declare Vatican II a heretical/schismatic (null and void) Council. that Vatican II NewChurch is NOT the Catholic Church
(2) They must once again reaffirm formally and publicly that we have had Modernist Popes who objectively speaking are not Catholics …More
Q: What are your requirements in order for Tradcatknight to once again support the Neo-SSPX?

A: (Primary-1) The Neo-SSPX must formally and publicly declare Vatican II a heretical/schismatic (null and void) Council. that Vatican II NewChurch is NOT the Catholic Church
(2) They must once again reaffirm formally and publicly that we have had Modernist Popes who objectively speaking are not Catholics and they they have been teaching heresy.
(3) They must reaffirm Lefebvre's position that a practical agreement can not be made until Modernist Rome rejects Vatican II/New Mass(true conversion)

(Secondary point-(4) : They must formally and publicly make an apology for their illicit removals of those priests and laity who did not want to go along with the "new" watered down position of the SSPX. They must apologize for their unacceptable behavior.

*Note: IF you can still find a hardline priest who still holds the true traditionalist position which would be very RARE it would be ok to still attend his Mass(obtain Sacraments). Otherwise continuing to go to the NEO-SSPX is compromise doctrinally and practically. It is displeasing to God and sin to go somewhere where compromise even in "intent" is present and certainly on doctrinal matters.
Please share this analysis:
I have been warning souls of a potential scenario in which Antipope Francis would "resign" so as to let this Master Jesus character take over the reigns. This would happen after the Italy Revolution/Occupy Vatican and Russia's movement into Italy. There has been propaganda in the mainstream media about Francis one day "resigning" and he even admitted with him its possible …More
Please share this analysis:
I have been warning souls of a potential scenario in which Antipope Francis would "resign" so as to let this Master Jesus character take over the reigns. This would happen after the Italy Revolution/Occupy Vatican and Russia's movement into Italy. There has been propaganda in the mainstream media about Francis one day "resigning" and he even admitted with him its possible. Eventually this Master Jesus would take over and we would have Francis as another supposed Pope Emeritus. Not possible he is an antipope. Papal Succession will run through Pope Benedict XVI and he will flee. Here is the propaganda building up for this possible "resignation" due to the sex scandals. Benedict will flee Francis will say his health is too much and Master Jesus (unnamed but is Syrian) will take over. Remember the Maitreya says his setup man/false prophet will be recognized by Francis and that Francis is under the influence of Maitreya. So it makes sense. it seems there tempering the world for this supposed "resignation" already. Time will tell.

In RT: Francis does not rule out retirement
"Pope" Francis says he would be open to retirement should his health not permit him carry on with his duties, stressing that papal retirement could become a norm for the Catholic Church. Referring to his predecessor who voluntarily resigned last year Francis said: "I think that Benedict XVI is not a unique case. I think we should see him as an institution who opened a door, the door of emeritus popes." "Will there be more (papal resignations)? God knows, but the door is open," the 77-year-old pontiff said speaking to reporters on the plane returning from a trip to the Middle East .…/francesco-franc……/pope-francis-gi……/pope-francis-i-……/pope-francis-re……/catholics-brace…
Now the propaganda calling for Francis's resignation:…/popes-reference……/child-sacrifice…
Critical Analysis of Ratzinger "Renuntiation" Reveals His Expressed Intention To Only Relinquish Part Of The Petrine Office -- Rendering His Act Canonically Null & Void.…/two-popes-has-p…
Do you have a question you would like answered on TCK Radio? Please leave me an email at It can range from Catholic Doctrine to Catholic prophecy or any general question. Leave your name, area you are from and the question which will be broadcasted as I will spend the last 5-10 minutes of the weekly TCK Radio show now answering the questions you have:)
Note: Not all …More
Do you have a question you would like answered on TCK Radio? Please leave me an email at It can range from Catholic Doctrine to Catholic prophecy or any general question. Leave your name, area you are from and the question which will be broadcasted as I will spend the last 5-10 minutes of the weekly TCK Radio show now answering the questions you have:)

Note: Not all questions will appear due to obvious time constraints.
Please entitle your email in the subject line: TCK RADIO QUESTION
skype username: eric_gajewski
Eric Gajewski, B.S., MBA