The Danger of the Ouija Board - Video

The Danger of the Ouija Board - Video

It sickens me that you can buy this game at your local toy store such as ToysRUS. 🤮
You have to think.... if the large manufacturers of some toy companies are making this demonic game, than if you buy any other toys made from them; than your indirectly supporting the devils game! 🤦More
It sickens me that you can buy this game at your local toy store such as ToysRUS. 🤮

You have to think.... if the large manufacturers of some toy companies are making this demonic game, than if you buy any other toys made from them; than your indirectly supporting the devils game! 🤦
He says something important that happened to him as a child, he was being neglected. This is important, I played the ouija board and although I was not neglected in being loved, i was neglected in receiving attention to things that as a child I could not explain. I would tell my parents or my family but they did not pay attention they would think I would imagine things. I did not get any answers …More
He says something important that happened to him as a child, he was being neglected. This is important, I played the ouija board and although I was not neglected in being loved, i was neglected in receiving attention to things that as a child I could not explain. I would tell my parents or my family but they did not pay attention they would think I would imagine things. I did not get any answers from them but silenced or rejection regarding my issues as a child.

When I grew up I was searching for answers, I submerged myself in science and the devil got me there into occultism through parapsychology and metaphysics. Since I did not grow up going to church but with a strong belief in God, the devil used science to get to me.

It is so important for parents to listen to their children, not to nourish their fears or anxieties, but to listen to them, to advice them, to teach them, and to take them to church. Up to this day I'm 42 yrs old, and God has been so merciful, I became an atheist and how would I repay God for his Mercy as he has never abandoned me even though I did not realized it in the past.

I would tell all parents to listen to their children, to be patient with them, and not to ask them to deny things that are happening to them because they happen to them, and they need to know why. I understand some people think that probably I was influenced by TV or talks, but my mother and father were very traditional and we were not allowed those things, TV was 1 hr a day and only channels my mother appointed, besides in my time movies were not so abundant for children as per say programs for adults only, adults programs were played at nighttime after ten we had to be in bed by 8 and no later than that, no adult programs of any nature or programs with bad words , etc were played on tv.

So no, I did not received that kind of influence that psychologist woud talk about. Things just happened, and I was always right, as I would tell my family members were I felt the presence of the devil, for years they always thought I was very imaginative, but to their surprise the places (houses) I pointedas being evil because I saw things and felt things, were actually places were animal sacrifices and black masses were performed, they even made it to the news.

So horrible for me as a child to go through my childhood without guidance, and go astray from God's way to the devil's way. I do hope people pay attention to the spiritual battle that we are living and delivering vs the fallen angels (Ef 6) God Bless.
The young man in this video said it all: Just "be His [God's] child" - that is accept God on God's terms.
I can not think of anything more dangerous to body and soul than the occult. The idea of 'playing' with a ouja board horrifies me.
@Gloria.TV News Briefs - A most excellent idea, thanks. 👍
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A few posters at Gloria (I will not mention names but you know who you are) - annoyed by a particular news article - will then proceed to attack either the title of the article, the date of publication of the article, the source of the article, the author of the article, the individual posting the article (me) or some other item that they believe will challenge the points made in the article itself. Some will even have the audacity to state that the article doesn't belong on Gloria.TV. as if THEY are the administrator of this site.

In fact, these kinds of comments do absolutely nothing to challenge the points made in the article and are simply an illogical emotional manifestation of their indignation. Emotional comments that have no relevance to an news article such as “this article doesn't belong here” will be removed.

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