PC in the Catholic Church

PC in the Catholic Church
A continuation of an article posted at Gloria.tv on July 7 2012.

Since Vatican II, so-called "conservative" Catholics, while technically orthodox, have made it their task to prevent any constructive criticism of the unprecedented and revolutionary program of innovation unleashed by the Council.

We call them neo-Catholics because they have in fact conserved nothing except the post-conciliar novelties — an ecumenism that runs counter to all of Catholic practice before 1965, a posture of "dialogue" with anyone and anything that has so far gotten nowhere and produced nothing of value, and a new liturgy that could politely be described as an act of vandalism.

These contingent, time-bound pastoral programs are defended by neo-Catholics, regardless of how catastrophic they have been in practice, as if they were solemnly defined dogma.

Just as the neoconservatives serve a useful purpose to liberals in the secular world by attacking true conservatives and thereby undermining genuine conservatism, neo-Catholic attacks on traditionalists ensure that the only permissible alternative to aggressive innovation in every area of the Church's life is slightly less aggressive innovation in every area of the Church's life.

Arch-liberal Richard McBrien appreciates this function of the neo-Catholics, since he finds that "criticism of the extreme right by moderate conservatives is far more effective than by moderate progressives."


First Article posted on July 11, 2011
umm none said anything here about the SSPX? did they..i missed it i guess... the news article seem to speak of 'neo-catholics' not neo-Conservative Catholics like my post.......anyhoo my post is written from a FSSP priest, not a schismatic SSPX..and in context of the post article, Conservative vs. Traditional Catholicism, i would rather not be linked with outlook of neo-cons, so called, but firmly …More
umm none said anything here about the SSPX? did they..i missed it i guess... the news article seem to speak of 'neo-catholics' not neo-Conservative Catholics like my post.......anyhoo my post is written from a FSSP priest, not a schismatic SSPX..and in context of the post article, Conservative vs. Traditional Catholicism, i would rather not be linked with outlook of neo-cons, so called, but firmly be within Traditio, along with his holiness Pope Benedict XVI. 😇 👌 🙂 PAX
PS. Mr Loughnan,the AngelQueen link yu gave did not work..never seen angelqueen forum before, but upon browsing it looks as if its completely SSPX/(SSPV ?) and therefore a waste of my time...
perhaps relevant to the subject at hand; Conservative vs. Traditional Catholicism ; Conservative vs. Traditional Catholicism
Distinctions with Philosophical Differences
by Fr. Chad Ripperger, F.S.S.P. - Spring 2001
Fr. Chad Ripperger, F.S.S.P., is a professor at St. Gregory’s diocesan seminary and Our Lady of Guadalupe seminary, both in Nebraska. ✍️
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