

again,,, pax
2014-04-19 🤗 👏 EJGCatholic 👍 YOU ARE BACK!! 😇
EJGCatholic kopīgo no Momentum Veritatis
5,3 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
FSSP Vocation. Fr.Brian McDonnell FSSP reflects on his call to the Holy Priesthood.Vairāk
FSSP Vocation.
Fr.Brian McDonnell FSSP reflects on his call to the Holy Priesthood.
EJGCatholic kopīgo no Santiago Fernández
8,8 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
Aula 7: Os monges na construção da civilização ocidental. Mais no blog "Glória da Idade Média" O papel decisivo dos monges na construção da civilização ocidental na Europa cristã medieval.Vairāk
Aula 7: Os monges na construção da civilização ocidental.
Mais no blog "Glória da Idade Média"
O papel decisivo dos monges na construção da civilização ocidental na Europa cristã medieval.
EJGCatholic kopīgo no osfsister
5,1 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis - Spirit of our Community. Is it your vocation to be a Franciscan sister? With pictures from our past and present, learn about the spirit of our community. (…Vairāk
Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis - Spirit of our Community.
Is it your vocation to be a Franciscan sister?
With pictures from our past and present, learn about the spirit of our community. (Text taken from the Constitutions of The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis of East Peoria, IL.)
To learn more visit us at: www.franciscansisterspeoria.org
EJGCatholic kopīgo no Eva
36,2 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
Kirchweihe FSSP. Kircheweihe bei der Petrusbruderschaft in Denton, USA. 3.3.2010Vairāk
Kirchweihe FSSP.
Kircheweihe bei der Petrusbruderschaft in Denton, USA. 3.3.2010
EJGCatholic kopīgo no Momentum Veritatis
7,1 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
Young Dominicans, here we are! Dominican Brothers Jonathan & Julian reflect on their call to the Order of Preachers. French version also available. "Jeunes Dominicains, nous voici!"Vairāk
Young Dominicans, here we are!
Dominican Brothers Jonathan & Julian reflect on their call to the Order of Preachers. French version also available.
"Jeunes Dominicains, nous voici!"
EJGCatholic kopīgo no Momentum Veritatis
9,1 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
An Ordinary Vocation. Fr.Pablo Santa Maria reflects on his calling to the Holy Priesthood.Vairāk
An Ordinary Vocation.
Fr.Pablo Santa Maria reflects on his calling to the Holy Priesthood.
EJGCatholic kopīgo no dozule
12,6 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
Bénédictines de Sainte Marie de Maumont, intégrale. Bénédictines de Sainte Marie de Maumont- Emission "13H15", France 2, rediffusée le dimanche 14 août 2011Vairāk
Bénédictines de Sainte Marie de Maumont, intégrale.
Bénédictines de Sainte Marie de Maumont- Emission "13H15", France 2, rediffusée le dimanche 14 août 2011
EJGCatholic kopīgo no luukjansen
8 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
Reception of Habit of the Dominicans 2009 A brief account of the reception by thirteen men of the Habit of the Dominican Friars in St. Mary's Priory Cork, Ireland. This occasion is the start of their …Vairāk
Reception of Habit of the Dominicans 2009
A brief account of the reception by thirteen men of the Habit of the Dominican Friars in St. Mary's Priory Cork, Ireland. This occasion is the start of their noviciate in de Order of Preachers. It is an answer to the call of God in their lives, to deepen the understanding of their vocation. For more and future video's, please visit my blog: www.witnesschrist.com
EJGCatholic kopīgo no Angelus Press
11,4 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
Against the Rumors: An Interview with Fr. Rostand, SSPX, Part II. Fr. Arnaud Rostand (USA District Superior) has given an interview to Angelus Press about the current situation between Rome and the …Vairāk
Against the Rumors: An Interview with Fr. Rostand, SSPX, Part II.
Fr. Arnaud Rostand (USA District Superior) has given an interview to Angelus Press about the current situation between Rome and the SSPX. No subject was left off the table. From rumors, to open attacks, to the state of the SSPX at large, and in the USA District - this interview covers everything!
EJGCatholic kopīgo no brmichael
2,2 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
Benedictiones Mensae. The Benedictiones Mensae are the sung Latin table prayers as used in the Roman and monastic usage. www.newliturgicalmovement.org/…/norcia-republis…Vairāk
Benedictiones Mensae.
The Benedictiones Mensae are the sung Latin table prayers as used in the Roman and monastic usage.
59 lapas
EJGCatholic kopīgo no Passionisten
22,2 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
Klausur-Passionistinnen in Whitesville. Berufungsvideo der Klausur-Passionistinnen in Whitesville/Kentucky USA Homepage der Schwestern >>>Vairāk
Klausur-Passionistinnen in Whitesville.
Berufungsvideo der Klausur-Passionistinnen in Whitesville/Kentucky USA
Homepage der Schwestern >>>
EJGCatholic kopīgo no Tesa
6,7 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
Cistercian nuns support life of prayer by baking altar breads. This is a companion video to the life of Cistercian nuns of Prairie du Sac, Wis. In this video, Sr. Roberta describes the life of the …Vairāk
Cistercian nuns support life of prayer by baking altar breads.
This is a companion video to the life of Cistercian nuns of Prairie du Sac, Wis. In this video, Sr. Roberta describes the life of the Cistercian nuns and how they support themselves through baking and selling altar bread.
EJGCatholic kopīgo no fetradicion
80 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
EL GRAN SILENCIO. El gran silencio muestra por primera vez el día a día dentro del "Grande Chartreuse" el monasterio Cartujo en los Alpes franceses de la legendaria orden de los cartujos, una de las …Vairāk
El gran silencio muestra por primera vez el día a día dentro del "Grande Chartreuse" el monasterio Cartujo en los Alpes franceses de la legendaria orden de los cartujos, una de las hermandades más estrictas de la iglesia católica. Una película austera, cercana a la meditación, al silencio, a la vida en estado puro. Sin música, excepto los cantos de los monjes, sin entrevistas, sin comentarios... una película sobre unos hombres que entregaron su vida a Dios en su forma más pura: la contemplación.
Dieciséis años después de su primer encuentro con el padre prior de la orden, el director Phillip Groening obtuvo permiso para rodar dentro del monasterio sobre la vida de los monjes. Phillip vivió en el monasterio y siguió a los monjes con su cámara. Se convirtió en parte del ritual, en parte de su vida cotidiana, como un monje más a caballo entre los antiguos ritos que los cartujos practican y la vida moderna que él conoce.
Premio al mejor documental 2006 de la academia europea …Vairāk
EJGCatholic kopīgo no Lisi Sterndorfer
6,2 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
Canons Regular of the Mother of God - DVD Preview, Part II. The following is an excerpt from the 45 minute edition of the DVD, "Chanoines réguliers de la Mère de Dieu: Une journée à l'abbaye Sainte-…Vairāk
Canons Regular of the Mother of God - DVD Preview, Part II.
The following is an excerpt from the 45 minute edition of the DVD, "Chanoines réguliers de la Mère de Dieu: Une journée à l'abbaye Sainte-Marie de Lagrasse" (Canons Regular of the Mother of God: A Day at the Abbey of Saint Mary of Lagrasse) available for purchase here: chanoines-lagrasse.eu/dvd_commande.htm Please also see: www.lagrasseabbey.org.uk
EJGCatholic kopīgo no pacislander4life
6,4 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem - Corpus Christi. Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem - Corpus ChristiVairāk
Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem - Corpus Christi.
Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem - Corpus Christi
EJGCatholic kopīgo no dozule
7,1 tūkst.
Catholic VOCATIONS. VideoVairāk
Abbaye de Maylis en Chalosse. Site officiel- proposé par "Parousie"Vairāk
Abbaye de Maylis en Chalosse.
Site officiel- proposé par "Parousie"
EJGCatholic kopīgo no Iacobus
39,7 tūkst.
Movies/Films/Documentaries. Films/Movies Documentaries (collected from various sources/accounts) 🙂 👍Vairāk
Films/Movies Documentaries (collected from various sources/accounts) 🙂 👍
CATHOLICS - the movie. ..In the near future, the Catholic Church has joined with other western religions in an ecumenical movement that has washed out much of the original message of the true religion …Vairāk
CATHOLICS - the movie.
..In the near future, the Catholic Church has joined with other western religions in an ecumenical movement that has washed out much of the original message of the true religion. A group of Irish monks have begun saying the mass again in Latin and have begun to have an international following. - Martin Sheen is sent from Rome to bring them to task.
The story line is very faithful to the 1972 book "Catholics" by Brian Moore.
Catholics (The Conflict)
UK 1973
Jack Gold
Cast: Trevor Howard (Abbot), Raf Vallone (Father General), Martin Sheen (Father Kinsella), Cyril Cusack (Father Manus), Michael Gambon (Brother Kevin), Andrew Keir (Father Matthew), Godfrey Quigley (Father Walter), Leon Vitali (Brother Donald)
EJGCatholic kopīgo no Bob Jones papist
24,4 tūkst.
Movies/Films/Documentaries. Films/Movies Documentaries (collected from various sources/accounts) 🙂 👍Vairāk
Films/Movies Documentaries (collected from various sources/accounts) 🙂 👍
Abbaye de Fontgombault-a history. (sorry video is low quality and a bit jumpy) and , i think you may order this English DVD dub version from: www.clearcreekmonks.org/joinourmail.htm - originally filmed …Vairāk
Abbaye de Fontgombault-a history.
(sorry video is low quality and a bit jumpy) and ,
i think
you may order this English DVD dub version from:
originally filmed in November 1998, with re-edit ending in 2003
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Abbaye Notre Dame 36220 FONTGOMBAULT France for embedding please give credit too; gregoriano-monastica.blogspot.com
EJGCatholic kopīgo no Bob Jones papist
6 tūkst.
Chant Mp3's/Albums. MUSIC generall//mostly Polyphonic- Gregorian and SOME other symphony or even folk. 🙂 ces vidéos de musique pour promouvoir les Abbayes et l'existence de la vie monastique et de la …Vairāk
Chant Mp3's/Albums.
MUSIC generall//mostly Polyphonic- Gregorian and SOME other symphony or even folk. 🙂 ces vidéos de musique pour promouvoir les Abbayes et l'existence de la vie monastique et de la disponibilité de l'enregistrement de CD, ainsi que de renouvellement spirituel, s'il vous plaît soutien en achetant de la musique Abbayes dans son intégralité.
acheter les cds de Abbayes, et de les soutenir à; tinyurl.com/CDsChant, et,
these music videos to promote the Abbeys and the existence of monastic life and the availability of the CD recording, as well as Spiritual renewal,please support by purchasing the Abbeys Music in its entirety.
. buy the cds of Abbeys, and support them at; tinyurl.com/CDsChant, and, tinyurl.com/SolesmesCD
O Mater Patriae. & magnificat~Gregorian. MP3 audio- Antiphon to Saint Ann "O mater patriae" & Magnificat Benedictine monks choir (the Solesmes Congregation) of the Abbey of Saint-Anne de Kergonan. 2003 …Vairāk
O Mater Patriae. & magnificat~Gregorian.
MP3 audio-
Antiphon to Saint Ann "
O mater patriae" & Magnificat
Benedictine monks choir (the Solesmes Congregation) of the Abbey of Saint-Anne de Kergonan.