Bob Jones papist
test. testMore
Bob Jones papist shares from EJGCatholic
Documentaries. mostly Vatican and History, and Religious life.mine and others. 😇More
mostly Vatican and History, and Religious life.mine and others. 😇
Quaerere Deum-Benedictines at Norcia (Nursia) full documentary/ The documentary, filmed in the summer of 2011, takes you into the life of the Benedictine monks of Norcia. in end of 2011 there are 17 …More
Quaerere Deum-Benedictines at Norcia (Nursia)
full documentary/ The documentary, filmed in the summer of 2011, takes you into the life of the Benedictine monks of Norcia. in end of 2011 there are 17 Brothers, (though not all are in this Film).
Documentary filmed, produced, and edited by Peter Hayden and Wilderland FIlm Studios.
On December 2, 2000, a tiny band of American monks with faith and courage and not much else re-founded monastic life inNorcia, Italy at the birthplace of St. Benedict. Powerful forces hostile to the faith had expelled the monks in 1810 and almost two centuries were to pass before Providence brought them back.
Inspired by the Holy Rule, these monastic pioneers are going
back to the roots of the Benedictine tradition. Chanting the
Divine Office in Latin by day and by night at the very place
where their holy patron was born, they are able to return to the spirit of their founder, as Vatican II urged all religious to do, in a very tangible way. …More
Bob Jones papist shares from Irapuato
Documentaries. mostly Vatican and History, and Religious life.mine and others. 😇More
mostly Vatican and History, and Religious life.mine and others. 😇
Father Reed visits the Sistine Chapel. CatholicTv Father Reed and a crew from the CatholicTV Network made their way around Rome and the Vatican to create a new series entitled Viaggio a Roma - or - A …More
Father Reed visits the Sistine Chapel.
CatholicTv Father Reed and a crew from the CatholicTV Network made their way around Rome and the Vatican to create a new series entitled Viaggio a Roma - or - A Trip to Rome. This is exactly what this new series is, a trip around one of the greatest cities of the world to see and experience some of the most significant sites in ancient and Christian Roma.
Bob Jones papist shares from Irapuato
Documentaries. mostly Vatican and History, and Religious life.mine and others. 😇More
mostly Vatican and History, and Religious life.mine and others. 😇
Veilleurs dans la Nuit/Vigilantes de la Noche. en francés y espanyol Trata sobre la Abadía benedictina de Barroux, Francia, que sigue la liturgia tradicional, es decir, la Santa Misa de siempre. En el …More
Veilleurs dans la Nuit/Vigilantes de la Noche.
en francés y espanyol
Trata sobre la Abadía benedictina de Barroux, Francia, que sigue la liturgia tradicional, es decir, la Santa Misa de siempre. En el que se muestra la vida de oración y de trabajo de los monjes benedictinos, marcada por los diferentes oficios de la jornada cantados en gregoriano.
Bob Jones papist shares from Irapuato
Documentaries. mostly Vatican and History, and Religious life.mine and others. 😇More
mostly Vatican and History, and Religious life.mine and others. 😇
Father Reed Visits the Swiss Guard Barracks-- Father Reed and a crew from the CatholicTV Network made their way around Rome and the Vatican to create this new series entitled "Viaggio a Roma" - or - …More
Father Reed Visits the Swiss Guard Barracks--
Father Reed and a crew from the CatholicTV Network made their way around Rome and the Vatican to create this new series entitled "Viaggio a Roma" - or - a trip to Rome. This is exactly what this new series is, a trip around one of the greatest cities of the world to see and experience some of the most significant sites in ancient and Christian Roma. Sites visited include the four papal basilicas, the Colosseum, Castel Sant’ Angelo, Trastevere, the tomb of Pope John Paul II, the Vatican Gardens, Trevi Fountain, the Pontifical North American College and more.
Bob Jones papist shares from EJGCatholic
Documentaries. mostly Vatican and History, and Religious life.mine and others. 😇More
mostly Vatican and History, and Religious life.mine and others. 😇
Miserere/Psalm 50(51) 'Faustina mix' ( made this a long time ago, this is a reparation-remix) Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy great mercy. And according to the multitude of thy tender mercies …More
Miserere/Psalm 50(51) 'Faustina mix'
( made this a long time ago, this is a reparation-remix)
Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy great mercy. And according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my iniquity. [4] Wash me yet more from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. [5] For I know my iniquity, and my sin is always before me. To thee only have I sinned, and have done evil before thee: that thou mayst be justified in thy words and mayst overcome when thou art judged. [7] For behold I was conceived in iniquities; and in sins did my mother conceive me. [8] For behold thou hast loved truth: the uncertain and hidden things of thy wisdom thou hast made manifest to me. [9] Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed: thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow. [10]
To my hearing thou shalt give joy and gladness: and the bones that have been humbled shall rejoice. [11] Turn away thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities. …More
Pope Benedict transfers the Blessed Sacrament, to Chapel of Repose. St. John Lateran Cathedral Basilica, Rome.More
Pope Benedict transfers the Blessed Sacrament, to Chapel of Repose.
St. John Lateran Cathedral Basilica, Rome.
Il Rosario di Domenica-Grotta delle Apparizioni Lourdes/Novembre, 18, 2012 Il video inizia dopo 1 minuto.
Il Rosario di Domenica-Grotta delle Apparizioni Lourdes/Novembre, 18, 2012
Il video inizia dopo 1 minuto.
'Credo'-Sixtinischen Kapelle Chor /Palestrina-November 11, 2012 Palestrina,(1567)Während der, Konzert der Kirchenmusik. fr.Georg Ratzinger, "Missa L'Anno Santo" in Anwesenheit des Heiligen Vaters …More
'Credo'-Sixtinischen Kapelle Chor /Palestrina-November 11, 2012
Palestrina,(1567)Während der, Konzert der Kirchenmusik.
fr.Georg Ratzinger, "Missa L'Anno Santo"
in Anwesenheit des Heiligen Vaters
Sixtinische Kapelle Chor. / 11. November 2012
Es grenzt an Irrsinn, daß nun auch im Vatikan Meßvertonungen als "Konzert" mit "Einführungsvortrag" präsentiert werden. ...
Michelangelo- Part 2 (2004) -Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni[1] (6 March 1475 -- 18 February 1564), commonly known as Michelangelo (Italian pronunciation: [mikeˈlandʒelo]),…More
Michelangelo- Part 2 (2004) -Sistine Chapel.
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni[1] (6 March 1475 -- 18 February 1564), commonly known as Michelangelo (Italian pronunciation: [mikeˈlandʒelo]), was an Italian Renaissance sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art. Despite making few forays beyond the arts, his versatility in the disciplines he took up was of such a high order that he is often considered a contender for the title of the archetypal Renaissance man, along with fellow Italian Leonardo da Vinci.
Missa pro defunctis 'Requiem'- Giovanni Francesco Anerio (±1567-1630) Audio-MP3/Recording details: February 1990,Westminster Catholic Cathedral, London, United Kingdom/ Giovanni Francesco Anerio was …More
Missa pro defunctis 'Requiem'- Giovanni Francesco Anerio (±1567-1630)
Audio-MP3/Recording details: February 1990,Westminster Catholic Cathedral, London, United Kingdom/
Giovanni Francesco Anerio was born in Rome about 1567 he was active as a musician and maestro di capella in various Roman churches of which the most prestigious was at Santa Maria dei Monti from 1613 to 1620. He published his Missa Pro defunctis in 1614. It's unusual in that Anerio included the 'Dies Irae' ('Day of wrath') using alternating polyphony and plainsong. This sequence is the Mass' centrepiece and Anerio took great care to match the words and music. Also somewhat unusually he ends with a 'Kyrie in absolutione' instead of the more usual 'Libera Me' it's a beautifully calm almost luminous ending to a beautiful setting of the Mass suffused by plainsong both as cantus firmus and as paraphrase.
Bob Jones papist
Movement 1: Introitus: Requiem aeternam [3'38] Movement 2: Kyrie [1'57] Movement 3: Sequentia: Dies irae [12'08] Movement 4: Offertorium: Domine Iesu …More
Movement 1: Introitus: Requiem aeternam [3'38]
Movement 2: Kyrie [1'57]
Movement 3: Sequentia: Dies irae [12'08]
Movement 4: Offertorium: Domine Iesu Christe [5'37]
Movement 5: Sanctus [2'31]
Movement 6: Agnus Dei I, II, III [3'01]
Movement 7: Communio: Lux aeterna [2'43]
Movement 8: Responsorium: Libera me [5'55] Movement 9: Kyrie in absolutione [1'23] 10 Vidi speciosam [4'21] Felice Anerio (c1560-1614) 11 Ad te levavi [5'11] Felice Anerio (c1560-1614) 12 Christe redemptor omnium [8'12] Felice Anerio (c1560-1614) 13 Salve regina [4'37] Felice Anerio (c1560-1614) 14 Christus factus est [2'36] Felice Anerio (c1560-1614) 15 Magnificat quinti toni [7'15] Felice Anerio (c1560-1614)
Benoît XVI crée une Académie de latin. Le latin n’a jamais été aussi vivant ! Benoît XVI a publié ce samedi un Motu Proprio créant l’Académie pontificale de latinité, dépendante du Conseil pontifical …More
Benoît XVI crée une Académie de latin.
Le latin n’a jamais été aussi vivant ! Benoît XVI a publié ce samedi un Motu Proprio créant l’Académie pontificale de latinité, dépendante du Conseil pontifical de la Culture et supprimant du même coup la fondation Latinitas, créée par Paul VI en 1976. Le Pape, via cette nouvelle académie, entend redonner une certaine vigueur à l’apprentissage du latin, si présent dans la vie de l’Eglise depuis les premiers temps. Xavier Sartre
Le latin est certes la langue officielle de l’Eglise qui n’a pas hésité à parler toutes les langues, et ce, depuis la Pentecôte comme le rappelle le texte. Mais, comme le souligne le motu proprio, la connaissance de la langue et de la culture latine devient de plus en plus « superficielle », ce qui se vérifie jusque dans « les études philosophiques et théologiques des futurs prêtres ».
Recrudescence de l'apprentissage du latin
Paradoxalement, le Pape constate un regain d’intérêt pour le latin hors de la sphère religieuse, à …More
Pope, message to Seminarians;Open Your Souls to the Light of the Lord. "We have to be saints so as not to create a contradiction between the sign that we are and the reality that we wish to signify. "More
Pope, message to Seminarians;Open Your Souls to the Light of the Lord.
"We have to be saints so as not to create a contradiction between the sign that we are and the reality that we wish to signify. "
How should you behave during these years of preparation? First of all, they should be years of interior silence, of unceasing prayer, of constant study and of gradual insertion into the pastoral activity and structures of the Church. A Church which is community and institution, family and mission, the creation of Christ through his Holy Spirit, as well as the result of those of us who shape it through our holiness and our sins. God, who does not hesitate to make of the poor and of sinners his friends and instruments for the redemption of the human race, willed it so. The holiness of the Church is above all the objective holiness of the very person of Christ, of his Gospel and his sacraments, the holiness of that power from on high which enlivens and impels it. We have to be saints so as …More
Benedict XVI: Choral music is an integral part of the liturgy. Pope Benedict on Saturday greeted members of the Italian Association of Santa Cecilia, which is made up of members of church choirs from …More
Benedict XVI: Choral music is an integral part of the liturgy.
Pope Benedict on Saturday greeted members of the Italian Association of Santa Cecilia, which is made up of members of church choirs from across the country. Noting that this is the Year of Faith, the Holy Father spoke to the choristers about the role sacred music can play in promoting the faith, and working for the New Evangelization.
Kampf um den Vatikan -Hinter den Kulissen des Konzils. "Das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil, das am 11. Oktober 1962 begann, war ein dramatisches und riskantes Ereignis. Es hat die katholische Kirche …More
Kampf um den Vatikan -Hinter den Kulissen des Konzils.
"Das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil, das am 11. Oktober 1962 begann, war ein dramatisches und riskantes Ereignis. Es hat die katholische Kirche modernisiert, sie aber auch an den Rand der Spaltung gebracht. Mehr als drei Jahre lang wurde um Macht und Wahrheit gerungen. Die Folgen sind noch nach 50 Jahren zu spüren. Der heutige Papst Benedikt XVI. wirkte als junger Theologe im Hintergrund am Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil mit. Als Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche stellt er seit Antritt seines Pontifikats die Fragen des Konzils neu und versucht, die Risse von damals zu kitten und die Kirche auf Kurs zu bringen."
'Popemobile'-a Papal perspective. Ride along with Pope Benedict XVI (at 2:08 mark),after Services,April 1 2012. get energized as the crowd cheers the ministry of Successor to the Apostle Peter.Popemobile …More
'Popemobile'-a Papal perspective.
Ride along with Pope Benedict XVI (at 2:08 mark),after Services,April 1 2012. get energized as the crowd cheers the ministry of Successor to the Apostle Peter.Popemobile (Italian: Papamobile) is an informal name for the specially designed motor vehicles used by the pope during outdoor public appearances without having to employ the antiquated and often impractical sedia gestatoria. The Popemobile was designed to allow the pope to be more visible when greeting large crowds. There have been many different designs for popemobiles since Pope John Paul II first used a modified truck to greet crowds on his first trip to Poland as pope.
Wonderful and emotional. Great that so many people got to see His Holiness so close up.
Puella Latina
I kind of think the sedia gestatoria was cool 😇
One more comment
los jóvenes del Archidiócesis de Madrid-2012 Vatican/BENEDICTO XVI. ENCUENTRO CON LOS JÓVENES ESPAÑOLES DE LA JMJ 2011 DISCURSO DEL SANTO PADRE BENEDICTO XVI Sala Pablo VI Lunes 2 de abril de 2012More
los jóvenes del Archidiócesis de Madrid-2012 Vatican/BENEDICTO XVI.
Sala Pablo VI
Lunes 2 de abril de 2012
ANGELUS/Regina Caeli- 2012-04-09/Papa Benedetto XVI. Regina Caeli/Lunedi di Pasqua/Castel GandolfoMore
ANGELUS/Regina Caeli- 2012-04-09/Papa Benedetto XVI.
Regina Caeli/Lunedi di Pasqua/Castel Gandolfo
Regina caeli, laetare, alleluia: Quia quem meruisti portare, alleluia, Resurrexit, sicut dixit, alleluia, Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia. V. Gaude et …More
Regina caeli, laetare, alleluia:
Quia quem meruisti portare, alleluia,
Resurrexit, sicut dixit, alleluia,
Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia.

V. Gaude et laetare, Virgo Maria, alleluia.
R. Quia surrexit Dominus vere, alleluia.

Deus, qui per resurrectionem Filii tui, Domini nostri Iesu Christi, mundum laetificare dignatus es: praesta, quaesumus, ut per eius Genitricem Virginem Mariam, perpetuae capiamus gaudia vitae. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
Solemn Mass Of Easter Sunday From Rome & Urbi Et Orbi - 2012
URBI ET ORBI (English) 2012 Easter -Vatican. final Blessing,Solemn Easter Mass. followed by Urbi et Orbi.COMPLETE-English/His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI /Easter April 2012More
URBI ET ORBI (English) 2012 Easter -Vatican.
final Blessing,Solemn Easter Mass. followed by Urbi et Orbi.COMPLETE-English/His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI /Easter April 2012
👏 👏 Thank you, Dr. Bob!!!! 😇