Pope explains true piety. CNS on on Jun 4, 2014 Pope Francis explained the true meaning of piety during his weekly general audience June 4.More
Pope explains true piety.
CNS on on Jun 4, 2014
Pope Francis explained the true meaning of piety during his weekly general audience June 4.
“Do not confuse compassion with pity and the "face of a holy picture”
During the general audience in St. Peter's Square, he turned to Piedmontese dialect of his grandparents, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to guard believers against the misunderstandings that can arise with regard to “compassion”. Continuing with a series of reflections on the gifts of the Spirit, Pope Francis stressed that “compassion …More
“Do not confuse compassion with pity and the "face of a holy picture”

During the general audience in St. Peter's Square, he turned to Piedmontese dialect of his grandparents, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to guard believers against the misunderstandings that can arise with regard to “compassion”. Continuing with a series of reflections on the gifts of the Spirit, Pope Francis stressed that “compassion” is not to be confused with “pity”, a “face in a holy picture”, "pretending to be a saint”, “in the Piedmontese dialect - he added - we say “mugna quacia”.
"Today - said the Pope, who in recent weeks has spoken of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude and science - we want to dwell on a gift of the Holy Spirit which is often misunderstood or considered in a superficial way, but which touches our heart, our identity and our Christian life: it is the gift of compassion. We must immediately clarify that this gift is not to be identified with having compassion for someone, having pity of others, but indicates that we belong to God and our profound bond with him, a bond that gives meaning to our entire lives and keeps us firmly in communion with him, even in the most difficult and troubled moments”.

This bond with the Lord, continued Bergoglio at arms, “should not be intended as a duty or imposition: some people think that having compassion means closing your eyes, adopting the expression of a holy picture, pretending to be a saint; but this is not the gift of compassion. In the Piedmontese dialect we say “mugna quacia”, an expression that the etymological dictionaries translate as a sly person, a placid nun, an innocent face, but “this is not compassion” the Pope said, “but rather it is a relationship lived with the heart: it is our friendship with God, donated to us by Jesus, a friendship that changes our lives and fills us with enthusiasm and joy. For this reason, the gift of compassion first of all awakens in us gratitude and praise. This is in fact the reason and the most authentic meaning of our cult and our worship. When the Holy Spirit makes us feel the presence of the Lord and all His love for us, it warms our heart and moves us quite naturally to prayer and celebration. Compassion, therefore, is synonymous of authentic religious spirit, of childlike trust in God, that ability to pray to him with that love and simplicity that is typical of people that are humble at heart”.
Pope Francis then stressed the “the very, very close relationship” between the gift of compassion and that of meekness: “The gift of compassion that is given to us by the Holy Spirit makes us meek, makes us calm, patient, at peace with God: at the service of others with gentleness”. “We ask the Lord - concluded Pope Francis – that the gift of his Spirit overcome our fears, our uncertainties, including our restless and impatient Spirit, and can make us joyful witnesses of God and of his love, worshiping the Lord in truth and also at the service of our brothers, with meekness and also with a smile that the Holy Spirit always gives when there is joy. May the Holy Spirit offer all of us this gift of compassion. "…/francesco-franc…