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All Saints
This is interesting because it seems to me that some of the Five Wounds have already been inflicted upon the Mystical Body. The Great Schism of the Orthodox, the Protestant Revolt, Vaticon II and antipope Francis. What will be the fifth and final wound? The unLawful banning of the Catholic Mass? Or something even more nefarious?
What a great time to be Catholic! Let’s get this party started!More
This is interesting because it seems to me that some of the Five Wounds have already been inflicted upon the Mystical Body. The Great Schism of the Orthodox, the Protestant Revolt, Vaticon II and antipope Francis. What will be the fifth and final wound? The unLawful banning of the Catholic Mass? Or something even more nefarious?

What a great time to be Catholic! Let’s get this party started!
Father Karl A Claver
As Father Malachi Martin said, the Church will be entombed.