Ouija Board Helps Psychologists Probe the Subconscious

Ouija Board Helps Psychologists Probe the Subconscious

Beloved of spiritualists and bored teenagers on a dare, the Ouija board has long been a source of entertainment, mystery and sometimes downright spookiness. Now it could shine a light on the secrets of the unconscious mind.

Believers think the answer comes through from the spirit world. In fact, all the evidence points to the real cause being the ideomotor effect, small muscle movements we generate unconsciously.

That's why the Ouija board has attracted the attention of psychologists at the University of British Columbia in Canada. Growing evidence suggests the unconscious plays a role in cognitive functions we usually consider the preserve of the conscious mind.

I'm trying to think of a way to word this so I don't sound as if I'm trying to be a smarty pants... Wouldn't spelling out answers on a Ouija board keep a client in therapy for a very long time?
If I may add another comment. As a psychologist student in collegee (almost 2 years of psychology I read the story of the Fathers of psychology and found out that they were mentally unstable; Sigmund Freud was gay, and ended up his life with a cancer in his mouth, a horrible death, Carl Jung was into occultism and spiritualism; I wondered why we were learning these things form these people. It made …More
If I may add another comment. As a psychologist student in collegee (almost 2 years of psychology I read the story of the Fathers of psychology and found out that they were mentally unstable; Sigmund Freud was gay, and ended up his life with a cancer in his mouth, a horrible death, Carl Jung was into occultism and spiritualism; I wondered why we were learning these things form these people. It made no sense to me, but I had to pass the courses, and continue my classes to reach my next goal.

It did bother me that many of the "sciences" came from occult practices, such as math, where Pythagoras sacrificed animals to his Gods, and had math as a religion, and big time when he was inspired with the now so called theorem of Pythagoras. Same goes for Euclid, and many other mathematicians.

Now I understand why the church had to take on the sciences and teach people the right way, as the church would always put God's wisdom first, and allow God to direct human knowledge for the good of man and creation. Then we get Charles Darwin in the 18th (a freemason) who comes with his theory of evolution, and by the 19th century is propagated by Charles Dawson through lies, and unfortunately a Catholic Priest named Telihard de Chardin who pretty much introduced this theory into the catholic church was excommunicated and the protestants made sure this theory was widely accepted by them and by Catholics as well because many new priests accepted Telihard's teaching as the truth even though the church did not approved as he was committing heresy.

Anyways, I just wanted to mentioned all this deceit thrown to us by the devil, and I fell into it, and became atheist but I thank God that he rescued me from such darkness. God Bless.
If I may, I'd like to recommend if you can include in the title of the posting the word Dangerous, such as
"Dangerous usage of Ouiga boards by psychologists can ensnare people into the practice of occultism"
or something like that because my first reaction when I read the title, it was like Ouiga boards are not as bad as we are told, or think. And as I said that was my first thought, impression …More
If I may, I'd like to recommend if you can include in the title of the posting the word Dangerous, such as

"Dangerous usage of Ouiga boards by psychologists can ensnare people into the practice of occultism"

or something like that because my first reaction when I read the title, it was like Ouiga boards are not as bad as we are told, or think. And as I said that was my first thought, impression and reaction, it just came to my mind in a split second.

I think that if I had not checked on the comments and article I would have probably stayed with my first impression due to the title of the article. People usually go by first impressions, and if they do not spend time to investigate they just do not think of it, and keep the first thought that came into their minds. Only God knows if thousands or millions of Catholics connect here to this site, but I think that choosing a better title would be better. Than k you :) God Bless.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
News-Briefs articles can come from secular sources and do not necessarily reflect the views of Gloria.tv.
The "Quija Board" artilce is posted for information purposes ONLY.
Some Psychologists are now using Quija boards as part of their therapy.
I believe that this is an important piece of information for every Christian including Catholics especially those who may themselves or know others who will …More
News-Briefs articles can come from secular sources and do not necessarily reflect the views of Gloria.tv.

The "Quija Board" artilce is posted for information purposes ONLY.

Some Psychologists are now using Quija boards as part of their therapy.

I believe that this is an important piece of information for every Christian including Catholics especially those who may themselves or know others who will need psychological services.

The dangerous effects of such devices are clearly indicated in the numerous comments that I have posted earlier on this thread.
The Ouija board also helps people go to hell easily 😡
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Comments from FR:
Do not mess with these boards..Sounds to me like some demon is trying to get more of the evil things loose on the earth..I am serious keep away from these and by all means do not let your children go near one..
Perfect association, psychologists and a Ouija board. Both frauds one hiding behind fake unprovable science and the other …More
Comments from FR:

Do not mess with these boards..Sounds to me like some demon is trying to get more of the evil things loose on the earth..I am serious keep away from these and by all means do not let your children go near one..

Perfect association, psychologists and a Ouija board. Both frauds one hiding behind fake unprovable science and the other hiding behind mysticism and stupidity.

Take driving your car along a familiar route while planning your day. On arrival, you realise you were not in conscious control of the car, it was your "inner zombie", said Hélène Gauchou at the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness conference in Brighton, UK, this week.
"How can we communicate with that unconscious intelligence?"

You know, it's not only the (at best) dodgy recommendation of the Ouija board as a means for "exploring the unconscious," but psychologists' insistence in using language like the above to describe mentative processes that send me running for the Crucifix and the holy water. Psychology has always seemed to me like (sincere apologies to any actual psychologists here) the unknowable researching the unknowable--or, in the words of a psychologist in Shafer's Equus, like performing brain surgery using an ice pick in total darkness: what seems to me (not, after all, a trained psychologist) as a distinct scarcity of verifiable objective truth in the field must lead some of the wackier practitioners to think, "Hey, it's all a crap shoot anyway--let's just make [stuff] up!"

People who study the occult for various reasons generally are not fond of the talking boards. I have have had acquaintances who while they have no healthy fear of God, fear the energies the boards can open a person up to. There are those who do not believe in the Devil of the Bible but will tell you that there are what can be called demons. From a Christian perspective they are wrong on many levels beyond the danger of demonic possession for they go against the will of God. I have rationalist friends on the other hand who will tell you that it all is nonsense, but even given that, it sounds like a risky therapy if the patient has any spiritual beliefs.

Those boards are the quickest and easiest way for demons to get hold of a person’s inner spirit and take over. I know what I’m talking about. I saw my mother destroyed when she invited the “spirits” to “come in” via the Quija Board.

The “true” story behind the Exorcist started with a ouija board. The possessed boy’s aunt was into the occult and played with ouija boards and included her nephew some of the time. She died and he tried contacting her through a ouija board. That is when the SHTF.

They originally thought the trouble was the ghost of the Aunt, but when the boy started speaking fluently in foreign languages and showing extaordinary strength, combined with objects flying around the room and bloody scratches appearing on his skin, that is when those observing decided....well maybe its not the aunt. After taking the boy for extensive psychiatric evaluation and therapy, to no avail, Exorcists were brought in. They finally succeeded in “curing” the boy and he did not remember any of it. He went on to live a happy life.

I agree, do not mess with ouija boards. Even if you believe that it only taps the subconcious and there is nothing supernatural about it, many people have been documented to have gone insane after using the board.

Stoker Hunt conducted an extensive study on the danger of ouija boards: www.amazon.com/…/0060923504


A personal acquaintance of mine manifested a demon during a church service of about 2,000 people at a prominent megachurch. He stood up and began shouting that he was the christ. A bunch of guys tackled him and got him down and tried to cast the demon out but failed so they kicked him out of the service. Outside in the parking lot he took all his clothes off and walked around naked until the cops showed up and hauled him off to the psych ward.

He told me he thought the demon entered him when he played with a ouija board when he was 8 years old.

Growing up we tried it once and the board made a wierd but harmless prediction about the closet light bulb blowing out - which it did shortly after. My mother- who is Christian but who normally has no use for occult phenomenon - immediately threw the board out.

Those are real and very creepy.

The results of the “game” can be absolutely devastating to everyone around it. Those who don’t believe in demons don’t believe in Jesus. Jesus was very aware of demons and talked about them and cast them out. They are real and I have seen my share of them, thanks to that little “game”.

Had to deal with the last one when my 90 year old mother attached me and had to be pulled off of me. No 90 year old has that kind of strength, and I saw the bloody thing. It hated me because I keep myself armed with the Spirit of Christ at all times. Never never let one of those boards get near your children or your family. That so-called psychologist will be the cause of much sorrow.