DEFENSA DE LA TRADICION CATOLICA***Los Sacramentos**En Ingles Con Subtitulos En Español ----The defenses of the Catholic tradition.---- Canon lawyer and doctor in Thomistic theology Fr Hesse explains …More
DEFENSA DE LA TRADICION CATOLICA***Los Sacramentos**En Ingles Con Subtitulos En Español
----The defenses of the Catholic tradition.----
Canon lawyer and doctor in Thomistic theology Fr Hesse explains why Quo Primum is a forever binding document. The law that has to be prayed (lex orandi) determines the law that has to be believed (lex credendi). For example, in early times of Christianity the immaculate conception was the law that had to be prayed. There was a even a specific day set during the year to venerate Mary and the immaculate conception; but, it was not the law that had to be believed until Pope Pius IX defined it in the 19th century. Now no Pope can ever take this back. It is forever binding. The Tridentine Mass was the law that had to be prayed, codified by the council of Trent. After the council of Trent, Saint Pope Pius V created a papal bull called Quo Primum in which he defined that the Tridentine Mass was the law that had to be believed. Therefore, the Tridentine Mass is …More