Slim chances remaining for reconciliation of SSPX?

Photo ~ January 21, 2009

Slim chances remaining for reconciliation of SSPX?

Hopes for a reconciliation of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) with the Vatican have faded, according to a Reuters analysis.

Bishop Bernard Fellay, the head of the SSPX, has not yet formally responded to a Vatican offer, but according to multiple reports the traditionalist group will reject the Vatican’s demand for acceptance of the teachings of Vatican II.

Bishop Fellay is expected to offer a counter-proposal. Reuters predicts that the SSPX will make its own demands:

”The SSPX has set conditions that are simply unacceptable to the pope," Nicolas Seneze, a French expert on the Society, told Reuters. "Their discussions are now back at square one."
Philosopher, the real VII can't stand up to anything thats the problem! 🧐
Will the real VII please stand up? What is exactly the specific and detailed interpretation of VII? I'm not in the SSPX, but I'd, also, like to know that.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
"acceptance of the teachings of Vatican II."
What magisterial teachings flowed from V-II?
Straight military chaplains currently getting booted out or disciplined by the Corp for criticizing the sodomite lifestyle is not much different than what Rome has done to the SSPX.
If a bridge exists between …More

"acceptance of the teachings of Vatican II."

What magisterial teachings flowed from V-II?

Straight military chaplains currently getting booted out or disciplined by the Corp for criticizing the sodomite lifestyle is not much different than what Rome has done to the SSPX.

If a bridge exists between the left wing interpretation of Vatican II and the immutable Holy Tradition, then it is incumbent on the Roman Curia to demonstrate it, and if there isn't such bridge then it is incumbent on the Roman Curia to issue a clarifying doctrinal document that draws a sharp line between the true magisterial teaching and Catholic liberalism which is so pervasive following VC-II.

It is clear now that SSPX won't reconcile unless the conversation is elevated to this point, and the entire Church is better for it.