Alex A
Jeffrey Ade
I read some of the close cations and we must realize CPAC is simply controlled oppostion. They are the synthesis aspect and have nothing to offer freedom loving Americans. Only Our Lady of Fatima can help us and she asks us to make the Five First Saturday devotions and pray our daily Rosary. This will "steel our spines" when we are called to defend the Holy Catholic Church from this diabolical …More
I read some of the close cations and we must realize CPAC is simply controlled oppostion. They are the synthesis aspect and have nothing to offer freedom loving Americans. Only Our Lady of Fatima can help us and she asks us to make the Five First Saturday devotions and pray our daily Rosary. This will "steel our spines" when we are called to defend the Holy Catholic Church from this diabolical disorientation.
Wow ! someone who actually knows civil war history! Go 20 th Maine