420. God is here

With God, everything is too simple, even wisdom is simple. But we tend to complicate it.

We only need to focus on Jesus and wisdom will simply invade us every time. At the same time, we must be willing to meditate and receive it.
With ease:
“As the rising sun is clear to all, so the glory of the Lord fills all his works.” Sirach, chapter 42, verse 16

Still, we must be placed in front of his sun (Son). It’s to blush with joy, as the sun likes to blush our cheeks.

May every moment of our lives be filled with the joy of God’s gaze upon us, look of tenderness, peace and love … and our existence will praise the Lord, that is, our existence will be in so much joy we’ll want to share it with the Lord as a friend.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Joy in heaven!, Normand Thomas