Philo-Homosexual Vienna cardinal praises Conchita Wurst

The bearded ESC (EUROVISION SONG CONTEST) winner also stands for "God's most intriguing idea", says Archbishop Christoph Schönborn. He demands respect for Conchita Wurst. As we all know, there is a …More
The bearded ESC (EUROVISION SONG CONTEST) winner also stands for "God's most intriguing idea", says Archbishop Christoph Schönborn. He demands respect for Conchita Wurst.
As we all know, there is a diversity in the garden of God. Not all those who were born male beings, feel as a man, and also on the female side. To earn the respect that we all have a right to, as people. I'm happy for Thomas Neuwirth having such success with his performance as Conchita. I wish that this success does not go over his head, and pray for God's blessings for his life for him.
Schönborn predica un altro vangelo.. se penso che questo essere contro natura andrà al festival di Sanremo, pagato con i nostri soldi, mi viene male! I vertici massonici-satanici della RAI non pensano ai nostri figli? Sono così perversi? Siamo proprio messi male. Naturalmente, Bergoglio, farà orecchie da mercante... E a noi chi ci difende da tutta questa satanizzazione?