
Pell Accuser Copied Daniel Gallagher's Story

There is a striking coincidence between the false testimony leading to the conviction of Cardinal George Pell and the famous fake 1998 Philadelphia abuse case, Quadrant.org.au (April 7) has found.

The detractor in the Philadelphia case was the drug dealer and petty thief Daniel Gallagher. He brought several priests into jail. Forensic psychiatrists consider him a liar. Gallagher changed his story many times.

Nevertheless, in 2016 he received 5 million dollars from Philadelphia Archdiocese.

One of Gallagher’s victims was Father Charles Engelhardt. He was wrongly convicted and died in prison in 2014.

Gallagher testified very graphically that Engelhardt "fondled" him, made him "kneel down" and forced him to perform "oral sex."

The elements used to make up the Pell case are striking:

# location: sacristy
# time: after Sunday Mass
# the "victims": altar boys who drank wine
# they were "fondled"
# they were made to "kneel"
# they were made to perform "fellatio"
# they were "abused" a second time weeks later
# there was no corroborating evidence

Quadrant.org.au concludes that the Pell detractor copied the Gallagher story.

Picture: George Pell, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsOyouuqjibl
I would like to welcome everyone into the spiritual chastisement that is in the Fátima 3rd secret... 2019 we are living in it...pray for mercy and the true consecration of Russia the way the Virgin Mary asked for it to be done, not the fake versions that was performed in the past!!!!
Well it just goes to show that money is the root of all evil, what a con job Australia has pulled over the rest of the world, do they think the rest of the world are that dumb? I hope they fix this huge,evil, grave mistake they have made by concocting this evil witch-hunt. If the appeal is not granted then Australia has made a total mockery of themselves.
Lion IRC
Lion IRC
I can only imagine what a prejudiced, anti-Catholic judge and his sycophantic jury would make of this.
They would likely accuse Cardinal Pell of being the person who was copying that case.
lol they probably will, but Let's give them the benefit of the doubt until June and then we shall see!