Bangladeshi Mohammed Asaduzzaman has just been elected mayor of Brighton in UK. Thoughts?
Credo .
England is fortunate to have Nigel Farage!
Crazy talk
Okay, but is he any good at pinball?
Noname Senki
Who and why is it surprising that the immigrant population of the former British colonies should throw out the native English and then, having the right to vote, not choose a leader from among themselves, especially in the light of the current Lord Mayor of London (now in his second term) Shadiq Khan (a Pakistani) or the current Prime Minister Rishi Shunak (an Indian)?
English Catholic
Strange that Brighton, the 'gay' capital of the UK Brighton is officially the queer capital of the UK should elect a muslim mayor:…2018/03/Islams-Clear-Position-on-Homosexuality.pdf
James Manning
Given some time, I'm sure San Francisco will follow suit. You guys are usually 3 - 5 years ahead of us on the west shores of The Pond
English Catholic
@Agreed. But why do it? It's like the turkey voting for Christmas?