Pope Francis' doctrinal error is magisterial and being forced upon Franciscans of the Immaculate priests

This magisterial error has to be acknowledged and corrected by the CDF, it is a doctrinal error :the SSPX and the Franciscans of the Immaculate are being forced to accept it, with the interpretation of Vatican Council II, to have their position regularised

For Pope Francis and Cardinal Gerhard Muller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), the passages quoted above from Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14, Vatican Council II, refer to someone visible.Since he infers that they are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiamn nulla salus as interpreted by the 16th century missionaries.If they were invisible they would not be exceptions or relevant to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
For him these passages are also exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 saying all need faith and baptism for salvation.All.
So it is upon this irrationality that he and the two popes and officials of the International Theological Commission, interpret Vatican Council II.So his premise is wrong and the conclusion is a break with Tradition( Syllabus of Errors, extra ecclesiam nulla salus (Feeneyite), Athanasius Creed etc).

For Cardinal Muller,Cardinal Ladaria, Archbishop Di Noia, Archbishop Pozzo and others at the CDF they would consider seen, what I would consider as being 'not seen'.What is invisible, according to common knowledge, they postulate as being visible. I cannot see people in Heaven or on earth saved with the baptism of desire. They would infer they can see such persons. Then they will support the New Theology, which assumes people who are not seen are really seen.

For the Vatican Curia,Lumen Gentium 16 refers to someone visible. For me this can only be a reference to someone invisible in 2016. So when Wikipedia and other secular media, infer that Lumen Gentium 16 is an exception to the Feeneyite rigorist interpretation of the dogmaextra ecclesiam nulla salus there is no opposition from the Vatican. Since they agree with Wikipedia on there being visible exceptions to EENS.LG 16 is the common example.

Wikipedia,the National Catholic Register editorial staff,apologists at Catholic Answers and Catholics in general assume we can see a baptism of desire case in 2016.
Reason tells us that we cannot see someone saved in invincible ignorance in 2016. One does not have to be a Catholic to know that being saved in invincible ignorance cannot be an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Zero cases of something are not exceptions to the dogmaextra ecclesiam nulla salus said the apologist John Martignoni.Now the Vatican Curia has still to make this common place announcement.

Our two popes are Cushingites.

For me the baptism of desire can only be invisible. I cannot see people in Heaven. So if someone was saved with the baptism of desire, allegedly without the baptism of water, I would not be able to physically know about this case.

The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 assumed invisible cases awere visible. Theology in the Church was derailed.The Letter contradicted the centuries-old magisterium on a faith issue.With an inter-office letter from one bishop to another, which was kept secret for three years, a dogma (EENS) defined by three Church Councils was discarded.The Catechism of the Catholic Church (846) would call this dogma an 'aphorism'.
The mistake was carried over into Vatican Council II by Cardinal Richard Cushing, the Archbishop of Boston and the Jesuits active at Vatican Council II ( 1960-1965). They still had not lifted the excommunication of Fr.Leonard Feeney.
This magisterial error has to be acknowledged and corrected by the CDF it is a doctrinal error.The SSPX and the Franciscans of the Immaculate are being forced to accept it, with the interpretation of Vatican Council II, to have their position regularised.
-Lionel Andrades

SEPTEMBER 10, 2016

This magisterial error has to be acknowledged and corrected by the CDF, it is a doctrinal error :the SSPX and the Franciscans of the Immaculate are being forced to accept it, with the interpretation of Vatican Council II, to have their position regularised


AUGUST 23, 2016

Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are being forced to lie

Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have to support a lie to offer the Traditional Latin Mass while the SSPX have also to maintain the lie to get canonical status

AUGUST 24, 2016

Frati Francescani dell'Immacolata devono sostenere una menzogna per offrire Messa Tridentino.Mentre le Fraternità San Pio X anche bisogna mantenere la menzogna per ottenere lo status canonico

AUGUST 24, 2016

Programma per il 2016-2017 mostra che la conoscenza di un 'irrazionalità ufficiale' è obbligatorio per coloro che vogliono studiare teologia presso l'Università Salesiana di Roma

AUGUST 23, 2016

Ask Archbishop Guido Pozzo if Vatican Council II can be interpreted with Cushingism( as done by the Vatican Curia) or with Feeneyism( as I interpret the Council) and if Cushingism can be replaced with Feeneyism, by all

AUGUST 22, 2016

SSPX, FSSP Latin Mass a theological rupture with Tradition : but not for me

AUGUST 20, 2016

Enter through the narrow gate : The Catholic Church is the narrow gate

AUGUST 14, 2016

The way to make Rome come back to the Faith, the only way possible at this time, is to ask Rome to choose another theology in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS): It is all done by replacing the present Cushingite theology with Feeneyite theology

AUGUST 13, 2016

If the SSPX is unilaterally accepted by the Vatican it still means that the SSPX is condoning a heretical and non traditional interpretation of Vatican Council II, as is being done by Fr. Z

AUGUST 11, 2016

There needs to be an agreement between the SSPX and the Vatican, simply saying hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance cannot be exceptions to Tradition

AUGUST 11, 2016
If the Vatican regularises the SSPX and they could do so, it will not have cleared up the doctrinal issue.It will be also be assumed that the SSPX accepts Vatican Council II with the doctrinal error, with heresy

AUGUST 11, 2016

The next time you hear Bishop Fellay criticize Vatican Council II know it is for the liberal lobby he indirectly supports them : Archbishop Lefebvre made a mistake in principle and was not aware of it

AUGUST 10, 2016

When I meet Catholics I say Vatican Council II says outside the Church there is no salvation and all need to convert into the Church to avoid Hell.

AUGUST 4, 2016

SSPX theologians have to decide if Vatican Council II can be interpreted with Cushingism or Feeneyism, can there be two interpretations of the Council ? : one has the hermeneutic of continuity the other of rupture

AUGUST 2, 2016

You tell me. Can you physically see people in Heaven? Can you see or meet someone in 2016 who is also Heaven?