holyrope 3
The Forbidden Rite Part One (The Latin Mass) The Forbidden Rite Forbidden...powerful...beautiful...ancient...extraordinary.... For almost half a century, they have been persecuted, harassed, ostracized …More
The Forbidden Rite Part One (The Latin Mass)
The Forbidden Rite
For almost half a century, they have been persecuted, harassed, ostracized, denied, and degraded. They have been mocked and pushed to the corners of faith.
Who are these people and why have they been treated this way? They are those who still believe in the power of an ancient rite that had seemed to become almost entirely forbidden during the 20th century.
Yet in 2007, history began to change. The Vatican unleashed this once almost forbidden rite, requiring that every bishop, priest, and diocese around the world welcome those who desired it, and help them to obtain it.
Despite the many efforts of the Pope, who himself practices this ancient rite and desires for it to become the norm in parishes, their persecutors still abound within the Church, continuing to negate them the best that they can.
The battle is only beginning, but it is one that will change the face …More
Great !!! 👍
holyrope 3
The message here I think, "the forbidden Mass", is in relation to all the priests and bishops who are not Latin Mass friendly and to this day will go to any length to keep this ancient and True Mass out of their churches and dioceses. Thanks to the SSPX for keeping this wonderful and holy Mass going. And thank you Fr. Michael Rodriguez for acknowledging the good done by this Society.
The Tridentine Rite was never forbidden. It was codified by Pope Saint Pius V to be the mass for all times. The Council of Trent and Vatican I recognized this fact. It wasn't until Bugninni got his hands on the liturgy and turned it from the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to a man-centered, "protestanized" un-Catholic social hour. Even Paul VI who implemented the new liturgy eventually recognized the …More
The Tridentine Rite was never forbidden. It was codified by Pope Saint Pius V to be the mass for all times. The Council of Trent and Vatican I recognized this fact. It wasn't until Bugninni got his hands on the liturgy and turned it from the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to a man-centered, "protestanized" un-Catholic social hour. Even Paul VI who implemented the new liturgy eventually recognized the potential for abuse. In the end I believe (and this is only my opinion) there will be a hybrid liturgy of the Novus Ordo and Latin Rite. The movement has already started with the New Roman Missal.