Cardinal: Not a Word about Francis (Video)

After 36 years as a bishop, the former Archbishop of Lima, Peru, Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani, said in a short 4 July video from Rome that there were "three people who influenced me a lot and helped me a lot".

He recalled that the founder of Opus Dei, Monsignor Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer (+ 1975), taught him "to love the Church". Cardinal Cipiriani is a member of Opus Dei.

He also remembered John Paul II (+2002), who made him a bishop and a cardinal, "a man who loved freedom" (sic).

And finally, Benedict XVI (+2022), 'a man passionate about the truth'.

He calls them "these three holy men".

Cipriani says not a single word about Francis, who accepted his resignation in January 2019 less than a month after his 75th birthday and appointed the anti-Catholic activist Carlos Castillo Mattasoglio as his successor.


Tomito Barnin Railin
There is a typo in the article, Pope Wojtyla died in 2005.