Urgent Message of Our Lady 22/03/11 about the Anger of God given at Angelik's House. (P322) Message of 22nd March 2011, given at Angelik’s home In the afternoon Angelik received a message from Uriel …More
Urgent Message of Our Lady 22/03/11 about the Anger of God given at Angelik's House.

(P322) Message of 22nd March 2011, given at Angelik’s home

In the afternoon Angelik received a message from Uriel who asked Fr Hayden to visit Angelik in the evening since the Lady had a message for him. Fr Hayden went to Angelik in the evening. A short while after arriving, Angelik went into ecstasy and was visited by the Lady in his prayer-room, during which the Lady gave the following message to be announced at Borg in-Nadur tomorrow, since Angelik would not be going due to illness.

Fr Hayden, I am looking for people who will console me – for the conversion of the world, who would offer suffering for the conversion of sinners. I am selecting these persons that they may atone for all the wrongs of the world. I am holding back the wrath of the Eternal Father and presenting the blood from the Cross of my Son Jesus Christ to lessen, in God the Father, to lessen his wrath for the world. Do not let this wrath increase for your country too.

These chosen persons are making a total offering – sacrifice and suffering. Indeed, Fr Hayden, it is necessary that all of you fast, make penance and sacrifices for the Eternal Father’s wrath to subside. Yes, he is very angry at the world and at those who lead it and at your country. At present I am easing his anger in this way – by offering the blood that my Son Jesus shed for you on the Cross.

Many still keep their eyes shut. They understand not. They are not even taking into account the signs that are taking place in nature. I spoke about these signs elsewhere, Fr Hayden. Search for it. Even so, no one is believing. The world is backsliding very rapidly, but no one is paying heed. Everyone is laid back, undisturbed, as though nothing is afoot.

These chosen persons are making their offering in hiding, for the conversion of sinners. They suffer vicariously for their brethren. They are persons called for this: suffering and poverty.

The Church is to be made aware of these things, Fr Hayden, the Church is to be sensitized. These are the indicated signs. Indeed, sensitize it, since he made them know as well. For many they are worthless. Yet this is a reality all around you and that you are living through. What is nuclear ruins the world. I announced it years ago, Fr Hayden, but no one took any notice. Make my voice heard; you are in my service – for parts of the world will be destroyed.

These are the signs of the end times. (Here the Lady wept).

Destruction in the world is of your own doing.

The one solution is solely: the simple prayer of the rosary. Indeed, Fr Hayden, the prayer of the rosary overcomes wars and overcomes all. Encourage the people. Encourage them to say the rosary. And get families not to go to bed at night before having prayed the rosary.

This is what I wanted to pass on to you this evening: that I am choosing persons to atone for sinners.

Say the rosary and get others to say the rosary.

Convey this message to the people tomorrow on Borg in-Nadur hill, Fr Hayden.

I am calming the Eternal Father’s wrath by means of the precious blood of my Son Jesus. Indeed, in this way, the wrath against the world is eased. Offer fasting, sacrifices and penances for the conversion of the world and of Malta.
I am the Immaculate Conception.