Live Mike
Documentary: "San Sebastián de Garabandal: The Eyewitnesses" Imprimatur & Nihil Obstat: Bishop Roman Danylak, Titular Bishop of Nyssa, Apostolic Administrator of Toronto (Ukrainian Catholic) in Rome,…More
Documentary: "San Sebastián de Garabandal: The Eyewitnesses"
Imprimatur & Nihil Obstat: Bishop Roman Danylak, Titular Bishop of Nyssa, Apostolic Administrator of Toronto (Ukrainian Catholic) in Rome, Italy, 24 January 2000.
Public domain
The Wandering Recluse
I don't suppose you have a download of this? I haven't watched it in ages and I am glad I did so again. Thank you for posting it.
Live Mike
@The Wandering Recluse Apparently GTV removed the download option... a pity.
The Wandering Recluse
@Live Mike I was wondering what happened to it since it was almost always an option. I noticed when I posted things there was no option available. It is a bad move on GTV's part. Thanks for the YouTube link, that will suffice!!
Live Mike
I suspect GTV made the decision over their concern about copyright infringement.
@The Wandering Recluse I accidentally came across your request for assistance to download the video. Here is my recommendation:
1.0 Download and install 'ClipGrab'
2.0 Copy and paste the URL:
Garabandal Warning, Our Ladys messages and prophecies - full video
as appropriate into the program.
3.0 Left click 'Grab this clip!' and wait for the download to finish.
The Wandering Recluse
@LiveJohn Wow, thank you! Sometimes it is nice to keep a few videos in our library! Regards in return!!