Esudazione olio stimmate Gisella Cardia con testimonianza Dr Chifari /Gisella Cardia stigmata oil Trevignano Romano valutazione Peter Bannister : google.com/file/d/1NfErf6efKC2I-nWXU3kwDhqqSzPVu2QL/viewMore
Esudazione olio stimmate Gisella Cardia con testimonianza Dr Chifari /Gisella Cardia stigmata oil
Trevignano Romano valutazione Peter Bannister :
Video filmed at the house of alleged stigmatic Gisella Scarpulla Cardia in Trevignano Romano, Italy, March 24, 2023. Events observed by Peter Bannister and Dr Rosanna Chifari, internationally-known neurologist from Milan who has examined Gisella Cardia previously and monitored her over a period of 18 months. We witnessed the apparent exudation of viscous, fragrant oil from the alleged stigmata of Gisella Cardia on both hands. Our observations are followed by a statement from Dr Chifari (1:43).
English translation:
"Hello, we are at the home of Gisella where we saw - for me for the fourth time - Gisella's stigmata. Before our eyes, they began to exude oil: an oil with an intense fragrance of myrrh, the origin of which is surely not natural. I have reported on the stigmata in the past and …More
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