294 pages
The Shadow of the Dalai Lama. "The Shadow of the Dalai Lama" - von Victor & Victoria Trimondi. Sexualität, Magie und Politik im tibetischen Buddhismus. Part II - Politics as Ritual Introduction: More
The Shadow of the Dalai Lama.
"The Shadow of the Dalai Lama" - von Victor & Victoria Trimondi.
Sexualität, Magie und Politik im tibetischen Buddhismus.

Part II - Politics as Ritual
Introduction: Politics as Ritual
Myth and history
The battle of the sexes and history
The sacred kingdom Eschatology and politics History and mysticism 1 - The Dalai Lama: Incarnation of the Tibetan Gods Buddha Amitabha: The sun and light deity The various masks of Avalokiteshvara The XIV Dalai Lama as the supreme Kalachakra master Statements of the XIV Dalai Lama on sexuality and sexual magic 2 - The Dalai Lama (Avalokitshvara) and the Demoness (Srinmo) The bondage of the earth goddess Srinmo and the history of the origin of Tibet Why women can’t climb pure crystal mountain Matriarchy in the Land of Snows? The western imagination Women in former Tibetan society The alchemic division of the feminine: The Tibetan goddesses Palden Lhamo and Tara Tara—Tibet’s Madonna The lament of Yeshe Tshogyal The mythological …More
Buddhism is satan worship.