Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Frances of Rome. Conflict with the German Bishops Germany Father Franz Schmidberger, the Superior of the German District of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X,…More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Frances of Rome.

Conflict with the German Bishops

Father Franz Schmidberger, the Superior of the German District of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X, has criticized the statements of a recent assembly of the German bishops. Father Schmidberger said, that the German bishops must follow the eights commandment as well: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. “That’s why we demand that they withdraw the defamatory accusation that the Fraternity is Antisemitic and anti Judaic”, said Father Schmidberger. Against the accusation, that the fraternity doesn’t accept the Second Vatican Council, he stressed, that also the German bishops disobey often the pope.

Pope will not visit the Jerusalem Holocaust Museum

On Friday, the Israeli ambassador to the Holy See said that Pope Benedict XVI will not visit Israel’s Holocaust Museum – the Catholic News Agency reports. The reason: The Museum unjustly accuses Pope Pius XII of alleged inaction during the Nazi persecution of the Jews. The news comes as an Italian researcher announced on Friday that he had discovered a message from Pius XII that ordered monasteries to give refuge to Jews.

Accusations Against Cardinal Martini


The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X has accused the former archbishop of Milan Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini of a "subversive theology”. Cardinal Martini is a Hans Küng, who has managed to enter the Church hierarchy" – Father Alain Lorans stated in an online editorial. The author accuses the emeritus archbishop of Milan of favouring the ordination of married men, women deacons, access of remarried divorcees to the Eucharist and the role of conscience in family planning decisions.

No Gay Parades in Moscow


“Gay pride parades shouldn’t be allowed. No one will dare to do it. Such “brave-heart” will be torn to shreds” – the chief of Moscow Police has recently told Interfax. “The West can say we’re bad guys, but our people will see it’s right. Our country is patriarchal, that’s sums it up,” he stressed. “I positively agree with the Church, with the Patriarch and with politicians who are convinced that man and woman should love each other. It is established by God and nature,” the police head said.