
Vatican Promoted Homosex Campaigner Calls Benedict XVI “Homosexual"

The homosex propagandist Frédéric Martel who enjoys Vatican support, has insulted Benedict XVI as a “homosexual.”

In a courtesy-interview with the German State’s DeutschlandfunkKultur.de (September 29). Martel claimed that he "proved" that homosexuality played a role in Benedict's resignation.

He feigns that Benedict XVI had a "very honest way of dealing with sexuality," calling him a "sincere man" who is "far less hypocritical than others." And: "I always liked Benedict."

But Martel says this only to prepare the attack. He puts the "hypothesis" forward that the ex-pope "was homophile" but "probably remained chaste", but "fought against homosexuality."

Martel then praises Cardinal Marx for wanting to transform the [dying liberal] Church into a "progressive force."

Picture: Frédéric Martel, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsTswietxgow

Frederic Martel is Jewish; The Talmud gives many statements of hate against the Catholic Church; throughout history the Jews have fought against the Catholic Church. Mr Martel looks like his goal is certainly to spread hatred for the Catholic Church.
Priests in particular do not use their sexuality. If they do, they are no priests.
It is senseless to claim any priest as being hetero or homo or bi or whatever.
When a priest consumes his sexuality, he broke his vow. Confession maybe?
And the priest who did not brake his vow, is not homosexual.