
Is Pope Francis Laying The Groundwork For A One World Religion?

Does Pope Francis intend to help the global elite achieve their goal of uniting all of the religions of the world under a single banner? Will he be instrumental in establishing a single global religion …More
Does Pope Francis intend to help the global elite achieve their goal of uniting all of the religions of the world under a single banner? Will he be instrumental in establishing a single global religion for the glorious “new age” that the global elite believe is coming?
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This liberal attitude to keep other people in their mistakes, nourishes the doubt and unbelief to the truth revealed von God.
The conception of the relativists and Ökumenisten, the lifestyle is irrelevant, is one of the most successful seduction methods Satan BB´s, with which he has seduced even Adam and Eve.
Those who relativise the truth and theologian chairs, spiritual and political offices co …More
This liberal attitude to keep other people in their mistakes, nourishes the doubt and unbelief to the truth revealed von God.
The conception of the relativists and Ökumenisten, the lifestyle is irrelevant, is one of the most successful seduction methods Satan BB´s, with which he has seduced even Adam and Eve.
Those who relativise the truth and theologian chairs, spiritual and political offices co-opt, agree to only certain parts of the truth and bring their mistakes among the people so that they subordinate themselves to their laws instead of God's law.

But beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. By their fruits ye shall know them. To read about von thorns a grape, or von Thistles figs? So every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, but the bad tree bringeth forth bad fruit..." Matthew 7, 15-17

Only the truth of God sanctifies the character... the biblical truths change us and turn us into the image of God..., that can not take place automatically through the reception of the sacrament, if the belief is not alive.
Who discards the commandments of God and the manmade laws instead makes obedience, the character is marked negative and has fatal consequences.
The falsehoods which cause that people move closer to God, but to remove von him and go down the wrong path, which leads to damnation.
The real responsibility lies with those who expose these false teachers and their teachings.
I hope so but if he does DON'T expect the Catholic Faith not to change. In fact, you should expect every faith to change and all begin to STRESS what they all have in common and down play the minor differences. Up to now, every faith has put more importance on their differences and ignored the points they agreed on. Some day, I bet we'll find out the things we agree on are the only things that …More

I hope so but if he does DON'T expect the Catholic Faith not to change. In fact, you should expect every faith to change and all begin to STRESS what they all have in common and down play the minor differences. Up to now, every faith has put more importance on their differences and ignored the points they agreed on. Some day, I bet we'll find out the things we agree on are the only things that are important in every religion. All of the differences will be proven to be wrong and/or unimportant points.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)

The goal is a global ethic, a global ethic:…/0B-00-religione…
Inter-faith dialogue is mainly about political interests the United Nations concerned with the implementation of their Declaration of human rights of 1948, for a 'world peace', as they understand it, namely without God.
The establishment of the EU and the signing of the EU Constitution in the Vatican:
vatikanische …More
The goal is a global ethic, a global ethic:…/0B-00-religione…

Inter-faith dialogue is mainly about political interests the United Nations concerned with the implementation of their Declaration of human rights of 1948, for a 'world peace', as they understand it, namely without God.

The establishment of the EU and the signing of the EU Constitution in the Vatican:…/unter-der-segnu…

Johannes Paul II. in L ´ L'Osservatore 1986 as quoted: "India's order is based on his knowledge of the spiritual essence of the people crucial. "Good for the world, this ancient wisdom readily to accept, and to find in her an enrichment of human life."
Or in the Los Angeles Times in 1993: "On his trip to Africa in 1993 sought the Pope... the similarities between himself and the followers of the Voodoo cult and said that they should cancel their traditional faith, not through a conversion to Christianity..."
Very interesting... had they intended it?
Who by the faithful Catholics really know what spiritual wisdom he about the Indian religion, I assume he meant the Hinduism, has spoken?
The global ethic project Hans Küng BB´s wants world peace through inter-religious dialogue reach "must" join all organizations and all people.
This global ethic goes way back to the so-called World Parliament of religions in 1893 in Chicago. There, the recognized spokesman of Indian religion and the founder of the world ethos project, Svami Vivekananda said: "I am proud to belong to a religion, which taught both the world: tolerance and general acceptance..." "We not only believe in general tolerance, but we accept all religions as truth."
With this statement, it has captured automatically all religions, and happens to be the same what the United Nations request. Them it is doesn't matter, whether the human rights implemented everywhere so that crimes against humanity be condemned everywhere in the Member States as such.
Did somebody said Mason and certain saint in human form in the same sentence? I've been saying it for long but I guess that is just me and my evil sedevantists ways...
Prof. Leonard Wessell
This is a serious charge, not just a question. In other words, the answer suggested by the discussion of the article was or is "Yes, he is". The opening of the Church is evident in Pope JP II and even in Benedict. The speech of JP II in India led me to think that Ghandi, not Jesus, was the Pope's model. What I am hinting at is that there are indicators that a widening of Catholicism along with a …More
This is a serious charge, not just a question. In other words, the answer suggested by the discussion of the article was or is "Yes, he is". The opening of the Church is evident in Pope JP II and even in Benedict. The speech of JP II in India led me to think that Ghandi, not Jesus, was the Pope's model. What I am hinting at is that there are indicators that a widening of Catholicism along with a necessary diminishing of distinguishing features has been going on for a long time. And it not unusual to read that this opening goes back to Vat II.

There are indications, but then there are perfectly orthodox pronouncements of the Pope. This leads me to request massive evidence for the thesis suggested. It is one thing to oppose the Pope because he does not let Latin Masses flourish; it is another thing to accuse the Pope of betraying the Church by emptying it of its doctrinal content. I have my inklings, but I want to read massive evidence before such a drastic contention is held for true. (If true, what should the believer do?) Otherwise, we have a posting in that is good for shocking, though of little value in content.
"Rome Lose The Faith and Become the Seat of Anti-Christ"
Our Lady of La Salette.

😡 Francis is the leader of The Great Apostasy.
He is a false prophet who lead the Harlot Babylon
A falsification of an adulterated church
He is Anathema 😡
In the book of Revelation there are two cities. One is called “the holy city” (the Catholic Church) and is identified as the New Jerusalem. The second is called …More
"Rome Lose The Faith and Become the Seat of Anti-Christ"
Our Lady of La Salette.

😡 Francis is the leader of The Great Apostasy.
He is a false prophet who lead the Harlot Babylon
A falsification of an adulterated church
He is Anathema 😡

In the book of Revelation there are two cities. One is called “the holy city” (the Catholic Church) and is identified as the New Jerusalem. The second is called “the great city”(Francis's church the false church )and is named Babylon the Great. Both are also compared to women. One is the “mother of harlots” while the other is the “bride of the Lamb.” (The Catholic Church who remain faithful to Jesuchrist) . Revelation 12 :

17 Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her children,

those who keep the commandments of God and hold the testimony of Jesus.
Daniel 11:32-33
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
32 He shall seduce with intrigue those who violate the covenant; but the people who are loyal to their God shall stand firm and take action. 33 The wise among the people shall give understanding to many; for some days, however, they shall fall by sword and flame, and suffer captivity and plunder.
Dr Bobus
One World Religion? There is disagreement in the Church over almost every teaching.
First things first: How about One Parish Religion.More
One World Religion? There is disagreement in the Church over almost every teaching.

First things first: How about One Parish Religion.