Good Friday at the Institut St. Philipp Neri - A.D. 2011 Institut St. Philipp Neri/ Kirche St. Afra Graunstr. 31 13355 Berlin U-/S-Bahnhof Gesundbrunnen Musik: Improperien Victoria/ Palestrina Ensemble …Mehr
Good Friday at the Institut St. Philipp Neri - A.D. 2011
Institut St. Philipp Neri/ Kirche St. Afra
Graunstr. 31
13355 Berlin
U-/S-Bahnhof Gesundbrunnen
Musik: Improperien Victoria/ Palestrina Ensemble Berlin
Produktion: piscatorTV/ TiberiusxP
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I didn't mention that this liturgy was in the extraordinary form. It could be, but I'm not familiar with, that in the ordinary form the priest is vested in the cope all the time, in the extraordinary form he is not. Therefore his vestment reflects the character of the actual part of liturgy.
Thanks!! But shouldn't the priest be vested in the Black Cope from the beginning to end????
Dank sei Gott! 👏 Resurrexit sicut dixit!