Catholic parishioners demand Mass from Archbishop. KRQUE Santa Fe, New Mexico (KRQE) – Catholic parishioners are demanding the masses after the Archdiocese of Santa Fe stopped mass service last week.…More
Catholic parishioners demand Mass from Archbishop.

KRQUE Santa Fe, New Mexico (KRQE) – Catholic parishioners are demanding the masses after the Archdiocese of Santa Fe stopped mass service last week. Some parishioners are not happy with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. “The archbishop’s cancellation of the Mass makes it seem like an option, which is not the case for us Catholics,” said parishman Raquel Galegos.

Archdiocese of Santa Fe suspends mass face-to-face

The Archbishop has issued a new directive from last Sunday to suspend regular populations from last Sunday until further notice, in addition to the surge in COVID-19 cases and deaths, due to the approaching flu season. Was announced.

“I was very disappointed, that is, I was kneeling and praying and crying, and my husband was calling the Archbishop over the phone,” said parishioner Charlotte Salazar.

People like Salazar and Galegos say they called the Archbishop’s office to complain. Send a letter to the Archbishop on Tuesday asking if his motive is economic or political. “Who does the archbishop really do? Is it Christ or the governor?” Galegos asked.

In his letter, the archbishop urged people to stay home with the hospital reaching its maximum capacity and the governor’s office issuing new guidelines in accordance with “concerns about our belief in the protection of life.” I said there is. Churches like Our Lady of Belem are currently holding a drive-in mass that began in the snow on Monday.

“It doesn’t make sense, and there’s no reason we can’t stay indoors to practice safely like we’ve always done,” Salazar said.

The parishioners say their beliefs are being attacked and it is imperative to practice their religion. KRQE News 13 asked the Archdiocese of Santa Fe for comment, but did not respond.