F M Shyanguya
F M Shyanguya
TM and his entire family “caught CoViD”.
F M Shyanguya
And on TV
Novella Nurney
IP5's recent rant on you tube "Coronoviris Special Report " was just utter scare tactic garbage. Evidently the ONLY place you can and absolutely WILL most likely kill ", or pass contagion to "older people and those compromised " is by attending Mass. Because according to his logic you can forget and touch your face then a pew or a missal. Then some poor dear will absolutely touch it and contract …More
IP5's recent rant on you tube "Coronoviris Special Report " was just utter scare tactic garbage. Evidently the ONLY place you can and absolutely WILL most likely kill ", or pass contagion to "older people and those compromised " is by attending Mass. Because according to his logic you can forget and touch your face then a pew or a missal. Then some poor dear will absolutely touch it and contract said virus. This strange " ultra- contagion " seems to only happen at Church. A place that usually not a lot of touching goes on , of anything but kneeler and pews. Unlike say, grocery stores where a MINIMUM of 6 people have touched EVERY item in the store, Nope , Completely different somehow. Restaurants, a literal breeding ground , as it is passed via saliva and touch, so every piece of silverware, glass, plate, paper or cloth napkin or tablecloth is covered in an epic viral load, OPEN, some restrictions, varies by state and area. Sooo, if you dont go to mass, it is nigh on impossible to get the virus , seemed to be the overarching theme of this " most neccessary" Special Report.
Does Mr. Skojec check his mailbox? Did he touch the door of his mailbox? See, now he's killed the elderly postman, or said post- person will now infect his whole route. Ya'll know wearing gloves can have the affect of protecting YOU, but not anything you touch with those gloves( gloves actually hold on to bacteria,viruses and dirt longer than skin,) lesson : dont shake hands with persons wearing gloves if you are not also.
The bishops ( or hirelings) could CLEARLY make accommodations that would be prudent, to allow public masses to continue in some form. The fact that the vast majority of bishops have zero desire to put forth ANY accommodation is extremely telling. As telling as the Church was the first institution to shut down.
I will give him the credit that he did absolutely support the fact that Priests ARE commanded to baptize and give the sacraments and " The Last Rites", confession, extreme unction, last communion and specific prayers.
Forgive me my rant please.
O' my God come to my assistance! O' Lord make haste to help me! O' my God Arise and let thy enemies be scattered and let those that hate thee flee from before thy face!
Hear our prayers O' Lord and protect thy faithful according to your Divine Will.
F M Shyanguya
Agent in place. NASA T-Shirt a dead giveaway and I believe I noticed a Masonic gesture during the show. They were in “Trad Inc” for sordid money and misdirection, they betrayed faithful.