Vortex Special Report

Photo ~ Michael Voris

Vortex Special Report
Church Militant.tv

The national conference seems to be unhinged. Take for example Obamacare. During the debate in Congress the Bishops conference was voicing full throated support for national health
insurance. The all of a sudden .. when the truth abut abortion funding came out .. they slammed on the brakes.

Didn’t anyone at the conference READ the legislation before telling the bishops to back it?

Obviously they were too busy looking for the next liberal cause to fund.

Then .. when Obama came out with his HHS mandate .. again .. total shock and awe at USCCB Headquarters .. again .. is no one reading this stuff and strategizing BEFORE the disaster hits?
But we see this in microcosm in many different diocese round the States.

Who could forget the debacle that was gay marriage in New York?

Cardinal Dolan said in a TV interview AFTER the fact that the bishops of New York were caught totally off guard by the
passage of gay marriage .. led by Catholic governor Andrew Cuomo and finally championed by the votes of two Knights of Columbus state assemblymen.

He said .. they had been misled or relied on bad advice from their counselors who said gay marriage didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of passing.


When every public poll showed support for it and the governor had campaigned ferociously on this very point. Not the
slimmest chance of passing? Not even enough to fake mustering some kind of assault?

At every turn .. practically every week .. USCCB liberals are publishing statements about the economy .. immigration .. social justice .. blah blah blah.

At the same time .. some other office down the hall is handing money out the door to pro-contraception groups.

Just who runs the USCCB?

Who makes the decisions?

Who sets policy?

More importantly – whoenforces policy?

Who follows up?

Does anyone on staff have to take an oath of loyalty to the
Faith? Does anyone care?

✍️ The soul of a human being, or individual leaders in an organization is known through its words and deeds. Once again, Mr. Voris' perspicacity strikes true to point. 👍
holyrope 3
Bunch of novus ordo modernists sitting in the USCCB 😡 ....Thank you Michael for covering this...Thanks Gloria.tv!
👍 www.latinmasstimes.com 👍More
Bunch of novus ordo modernists sitting in the USCCB 😡 ....Thank you Michael for covering this...Thanks Gloria.tv!

👍 www.latinmasstimes.com 👍
😡 🤦 delagotti
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