Pope Calls for Sustainable, Decisive Agricultural Policy. A "truly concerted" effort is needed to create "a new equilibrium between agriculture, industry and services, so that development may be …More
Pope Calls for Sustainable, Decisive Agricultural Policy.

A "truly concerted" effort is needed to create "a new equilibrium between agriculture, industry and services, so that development may be sustainable". There is also a need for a decisive "revival of agriculture policy." These were the words of the Pope before the Angelus prayer, recited along with thousands of faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square. He gave words of encouragement to the international community on a "Day of Thanksgiving" to God which is celebrated in Italy at the end of the harvest season. The Pope often cited his social encyclical, "Caritas in Veritate", saying that agriculture should be reassessed not in a nostalgic way, but as "an indispensable resource for the future." Despite the economic crisis, the Pope denounced the fact that industrialized countries still pursue "a lifestyle marked by unsustainable consumption, which is harmful both to the environment and to the poor."

"Educate everyone to wise and responsible consumption, promote personal responsibility along with the social dimension of rural activities, based on eternal values such as hospitality, solidarity, and sharing of hard work."

After the Angelus, Benedict XVI renewed his closeness "to the dear people of Haiti" who, after the terrible earthquake in January, are now suffering from a serious epidemic of cholera. The Pope thanked those helping in this new emergency and called on the the international community to generously come to the aid of the Haitian people. The Pope also pointed out that on Sunday November 27, he will preside at a prayer vigil for the unborn on the first Vespers of Advent. "The time of preparation for Christmas," he said, "is a good period to invoke divine protection upon every human being called into existence."