Andre Luiz
A visit to Medjugorje - documentary by Natasha Beliaeva - 2010 A visit to Medjugorje - documentary by Natasha Beliaeva This video tracks a young woman from Russia who visits Medjugorje with no expectations …More
A visit to Medjugorje - documentary by Natasha Beliaeva - 2010
A visit to Medjugorje - documentary by Natasha Beliaeva
This video tracks a young woman from Russia who visits Medjugorje with no expectations. She visits not as a believer in the visions, but as an observer. This is the most complete immersion experience into Medjugorje I have seen. Among the highlights;
1. ascent up cross mountain
2. testimonies by members of community Cenacolo
3. talk by Fr. Svet
4. visit to "the Castle" (retreat house for priests and religious, owned by Patrick and Nancy Latta).
5. testimony of ex-drug addict I thought the tour guides in this video were particularly helpful to this young woman; in sharing the true spirit of Medjugorje. ---------------------------------------------------------------- *note, this is a mirror from the original Vimeo video by Natasha Beliaeva, here: Original video description: "We are ("two or three"), friends from Russia, Ukraine and Hungary made this …More