
Decision on Martyr Cardinal Pell Expected This Week

The decision regarding the appeal of Martyr Cardinal George Pell, 78, against his abusive December 2018 abuse conviction is expected this week, according to voices inside the Melbourne legal community speaking to Gloria.tv.

Pell was taken into custody at Melbourne Assessment Prison in February and condemned to six years in jail in March.

His appeal was heard on 5–6 June. Pell is held in solitary confinement.

Let's pray that these three Judges undo the great damage caused by this false accusation & imprisonment of an innocent man, Cardinal and great Australian. May they be wise, speak the truth & restore the Australia Justice system, from her shame and disgrace. She has become the laughing stock of the whole western world. Unfortunately the devil will see red when God wins the day for his beloved Cardinal …More
Let's pray that these three Judges undo the great damage caused by this false accusation & imprisonment of an innocent man, Cardinal and great Australian. May they be wise, speak the truth & restore the Australia Justice system, from her shame and disgrace. She has become the laughing stock of the whole western world. Unfortunately the devil will see red when God wins the day for his beloved Cardinal, the devil's advocates will be furious and will create a scene like never before, for they belong to him and we all know the devil is an angry vengeful loser. God with Cardinal Pell as his enemies are wicked!