
Cardinal Sarah: The Priesthood Today ‘Is in Mortal Danger’

Cardinal Robert Sarah (R) attending the Oct. 5, 2019, consistory for cardinals in St. Peter's Basilica, stresses, ‘One is called by God, and the Church confirms this call. Celibacy guarantees this call …More
Cardinal Robert Sarah (R) attending the Oct. 5, 2019, consistory for cardinals in St. Peter's Basilica, stresses, ‘One is called by God, and the Church confirms this call. Celibacy guarantees this call.’ (Daniel Ibáñez/CNA)
IN PERSON | FEB. 8, 2020
Cardinal Sarah: The Priesthood Today ‘Is in Mortal Danger’
In an exclusive English-language interview, the African cardinal discusses his new book, the status of the Catholic priesthood, and addresses those who say he opposes Pope Francis.
Edward Pentin
VATICAN CITY — Cardinal Robert Sarah has made a further impassioned plea not to weaken the mandatory celibacy rule for priests, saying it would be a catastrophe that would amount to an “attack on the Church and her mystery.”
In an exclusive Feb. 7 interview with the Register in advance of the publication later this month of the English edition of From the Depths of Our Hearts: Priesthood, Celibacy and the Crisis of the Catholic Church, his new book on the priesthood with Pope Emeritus Benedict …More
@Deacon Waugh Nope. Celibacy has always been a tradition in the Church. What evidence do we have that these Apostles continued to have kids after their calling? A priest must remain celibate because priests are Alter Christus. "However long before the Eastern Schism of 1054 this tradition of clerical celibacy was solemnly proclaimed by the Council of Nicaea, in 325 (Canon No. 3), with unanimous …More
@Deacon Waugh Nope. Celibacy has always been a tradition in the Church. What evidence do we have that these Apostles continued to have kids after their calling? A priest must remain celibate because priests are Alter Christus. "However long before the Eastern Schism of 1054 this tradition of clerical celibacy was solemnly proclaimed by the Council of Nicaea, in 325 (Canon No. 3), with unanimous approved by the Fathers, who admitted of no exceptions whatsoever."

Pope Siricius (384-99) states “ All of us, priests and deacons, are bound together from the day of our ordination, and held to put our hearts and our bodies to the service of sobriety and purity; may we be pleasing to God in all things, in the sacrifices we offer daily” - Directa to Himerus

Pope St. Innocent I (401-417) that : "This is not a matter of imposing upon the clergy new and arbitrary obligations, but rather of reminding them of those (obligations) which the tradition of the Apostles and the Fathers has transmitted to us."

St. Jerome (ca. 342-420): "Priests and deacons must be either virgins or widowers before being ordained, or at least observe perpetual continence after their ordination.... If married men find this difficult to endure, they should not turn against me, but rather against Holy Writ and the entire ecclesiastical order."


The Church isn't the way it is because of celibacy. Nor has all the sexual abuse been because of celibacy. Homosexuality doesn't come about from being celibate. That's an evil twisted lie pushed by the enemies of the Church. We have thousands of years of celibacy and only within the last century has the amount of sodomite clerics sky rocketed. Why that is? Because the enemies of the Church infiltrated the Church. An ex-communist confessed to this, Bella Dodd. She said she helped flood thousands of homosexuals, communists, and other freaks into the seminaries. They were able to work their way up through the ranks and elevate more freaks like themselves. The Alta Vendita talks about the infiltration of Church as well. And, there has always been traitors (Judas) in the Church.

Ending of celibacy for priest is not possible and if done would make the Church sink much quicker than it is now. See what St. Bridget was told about ending celibacy, Vision of St. Bridget: The pope, that lifts celibacy, will go to hell
@Deacon Waugh Sodomites and sodomite sympathizer move bad priest around. Evil men move evil man around. It has nothing to do with celibacy. It's a misconception pushed by the enemies of the Church to destroy the priesthood. You're spitting in the face of all the saints who kept their virginity and many martyred for it. It's holy. Catholic.org is full of marxist trash. The author of the article is …More
@Deacon Waugh Sodomites and sodomite sympathizer move bad priest around. Evil men move evil man around. It has nothing to do with celibacy. It's a misconception pushed by the enemies of the Church to destroy the priesthood. You're spitting in the face of all the saints who kept their virginity and many martyred for it. It's holy. Catholic.org is full of marxist trash. The author of the article is a Californian. No thanks. Catholic.org pushes all the Francis lies and falsehoods.
@Deacon Waugh I think you are a bit heretic and yes I am upset because you are "deacon" who speaks enemy language. How can you love the Saints who many if not most lived celibate lives and yet you imply that celibacy is the cause of the current crisis in the Church??!!! No, the cause of all the evils in the Church are weak Catholics who have a very disordered imbalance of what they believe is mercy. …More
@Deacon Waugh I think you are a bit heretic and yes I am upset because you are "deacon" who speaks enemy language. How can you love the Saints who many if not most lived celibate lives and yet you imply that celibacy is the cause of the current crisis in the Church??!!! No, the cause of all the evils in the Church are weak Catholics who have a very disordered imbalance of what they believe is mercy.

At the Beatification of Joan of Arc on December 13, 1908, Pope St. Pius X said that: " In our time, more than ever, before the greatest asset of the evilly disposed is the cowardice and weakness of good men, and all the vigor of Satan’s reign is due to the easygoing weakness of Catholics. Oh! If I might ask the divine Redeemer, as the prophet Zachary did in spirit: 'What are those wounds in the midst of your hands?' the answer would not be doubtful. 'With these I was wounded in the house of those who did nothing to defend me and who, on every occasion, made themselves the accomplices of my adversaries.' And this reproach can be leveled at the weak and timid Catholics of all countries." —Publication of the Decree of the Heroic Virtues of St. Joan of Arc, etc., December 13th, 1908; vatican.va

Pope St. Pius V warned: “All the evils of the world are due to lukewarm Catholics.”
@Deacon Waugh All the troubles from celibacy? Did you see what happen to the protestant "churches" when they allowed their "priests" to marry? The Eastern Orthodox have all sorts of problems with their married priests. Read: www.catholicapologetics.info
One more comment from mattsixteen24
Yes, but Sarah is totally not opposed to Francis. He says this at least once a month to the press.
Thanks for pointing out again...please Lord replace these weak cardinals with strong men!!!
@Deacon Waugh, how difficult is it for those no-priests you serve to tell the people "I am not a valid priest, but I can't beg..."?