BREAKING: A Talk By the Author of "The Dicator Pope" Catholic Tradition: Phoenix from the Ashes Book review of Henry Sire: "Phoenix from the Ashes: The Making, Unmaking, and Restoration of Catholic …More
BREAKING: A Talk By the Author of "The Dicator Pope"
Catholic Tradition: Phoenix from the Ashes
Book review of Henry Sire: "Phoenix from the Ashes: The Making, Unmaking, and Restoration of Catholic Tradition". General assembly of "FIUV International Federation Una Voce", October 2015 in Rome.
Buy the book here:…/1621381404
It´s a pity that he didn't reveal a lot of things.
This author has done a great service by presenting us a brief history of how the Church dealt with past innovators and the role of Councils to re-affirm the tradition of the Church and condemn heresy. Note that it is a lay person who has exposed the scheme of modernists during the VII Council. Well done Mr Sire! and 9 more users link to this post
Ave Crux
FINALLY someone is giving a clear history of how Vatican II and, later, the Mass were hijacked by Modernist destroyers...THANK YOU!
Lurkstrober shares this
This is where i will keep useful videos that I can learn more about the faith from.More

This is where i will keep useful videos that I can learn more about the faith from. and 4 more users link to this post