

«When the spirit oppress the creature who agreed and accept in life things, that the soul vowed to God, she won't accept, she becomes gradually smeared with spiritual intoxications, that make the man unclean. At the beginning the spiritual fight becomes very pressing, but if the soul doesn’t react to evil, for reasons that the world imposes, she accepts and goes on the road without worrying of it over. The evil takes over and the soul is no longer able to understand, to explain to the creature that the compromises that she receives are in loss of the same soul. Poor creature! Don't know the state of his soul and doesn’t care of it, forget everything. Doesn’t absolutely nothing to change the same spirit. But you pray for these people, don't criticise them, don't judge them, they are poor creatures who just need of help. Pray for them often prayers to my divine mercy. Keep in mind, that nobody takes care of them on a spiritual level. You will do it you, I'll give you, I'll give you the commitment. It isn’t possible for them that lost themselves, because nobody thinks to them. The mercy of God comes everywhere! Strive yourselves as well and you’ll save many souls, that will become "pure of heart"».

Domine Jesus
