Secret Lives of the Vatican's Gay Cardinals

In February of this year, not long before the College of Cardinals gathered in the Sistine Chapel for the conclave to choose the 266th Pope, the largest Italian daily newspaper, La Repubblica, reported that a “gay lobby”—a more or less unified cabal of homosexual power brokers—might be operating inside the Vatican. According to the newspaper, the possible existence of this gay lobby was among the many secrets described in a two-volume, 300-page report bound in red and presented to Pope Benedict XVI by three cardinals he had appointed to investigate the affair known as “VatiLeaks.” That scandal, which raised fresh suspicions of endemic corruption within the Curia, had broken the previous year after Paolo Gabriele, the papal butler, made off with some of Benedict’s private papers and leaked them to the press.

The Vatican holds secrets so tightly that it can make Fort Meade look like a sloppy drunk. Yet dozens of interviews with current and former gay priests, gay monks, veteran Vatican journalists, Italian aristocrats, and gay men at Roman gyms, bars, nightclubs, sex clubs, and restaurants suggest that, riveting as the more graphic stories are, they convey a limited part of the reality of gay clerical life in Rome. To be gay in the Vatican is no guarantee of success, mark of belonging, or shortcut to erotic intrigue. Most basically it is a sentence of isolation. Gays in the Vatican are creatures of a cutthroat bureaucracy whose dogmatic worldview denies or denigrates their own existence. They live in a closet that has no door. Among recent Popes, Benedict made the most concerted effort to sharpen Church doctrine on homosexuality, which he once called “a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil.” He tried to cull gays from clerical ranks, most notably in 2005, when men with known “deep-seated homosexual tendencies” were prohibited from being ordained, even if they were celibate.

In the collegial Jesuit spirit, Francis appointed eight cardinals to serve as his core advisers on significant issues, and in the coming years, this group may have as much influence on the situation of gays in the priesthood as Francis himself. When I asked an archbishop how he thinks the cardinals’ conversation about their gay brothers will go, he answered with reference not to the Holy Spirit but to the god of Fortune. “Right now the surest thing I can say is that there’s change in the air,” he said. “If you could say what will happen, you could say who’d win the lottery.”

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What a sad and very misguided piece. Clearly written by a same sex attracted man who has little respect for himself or those whom he denigrates. This is so teenage in it's approach, it is pathetic, pitiful.
If this monk aged 60 wants to leave if he wins the lotto, I just wish he had the backbone to leave years ago ( if not now). The Church has many unbelievers who do not live chaste lives, but spill …More
What a sad and very misguided piece. Clearly written by a same sex attracted man who has little respect for himself or those whom he denigrates. This is so teenage in it's approach, it is pathetic, pitiful.
If this monk aged 60 wants to leave if he wins the lotto, I just wish he had the backbone to leave years ago ( if not now). The Church has many unbelievers who do not live chaste lives, but spill their venom abroad.
Cardinal O'Brien and his 4 same sex pals in Scotland are clearly the tip of the iceberg. The sooner the press expose these fakes who just love the dress up, power and money - the better for the faithful.
Sadly, we have too few bishops with any backbone.
Almighty God, rid us of these liars and fakes. Amen