"Cardinal Dolan Denies Catholics Entry at Cathedral Because of Dirty Hands"

Photo ~ Dirty Hands Protest At St. Patrick's Cathedral

"Cardinal Dolan Denies Catholics Entry at Cathedral Because of Dirty Hands"

See that headline? It is the disingenuous creation of self-important anti-Catholic protestors.

Joseph Amodeo writes at the Huffington Post about the "raw emotions" about being "denied a seat at Christ's table" and how as a result he feels "disowned, abandoned, and lost. "

Oh the melodrama of it all.

See, Joey and nine of his pals protested at St. Patrick's Cathedral in favor of gay rights. Their protest signs were their dirty hands. This junior high tactic was in response to Cardinal Dolan's column last week in which he said that LGBT people were welcome in the church so long as they washed their hands. In otherwords, everybody who wants to be there for the right and respectful reasons is welcome.

Joey and his pals marched to the Cathedral where they were told they could not enter unless they washed their hands. Remember, their dirty hands were their protest signs. So they were denied entry to mass with their protest signs. If they dropped the signs (washed their hands) they would be welcome. If you bring your protest inside, you will get arrested.

National Catholic Register
Now, if only the good cardinal would kindly parse his authentically Christian intention in bestowing a St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal upon pro-abort, pro-homosexualism Girl Scouts International CEO Anna Maria Chávez, an award that recognizes her "outstanding contributions to the growth and development of young women in Girl Scouts of the USA".
Well, except for the "young women" who don't get to be …More
Now, if only the good cardinal would kindly parse his authentically Christian intention in bestowing a St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal upon pro-abort, pro-homosexualism Girl Scouts International CEO Anna Maria Chávez, an award that recognizes her "outstanding contributions to the growth and development of young women in Girl Scouts of the USA".

Well, except for the "young women" who don't get to be born due to the crime of abortion. Cardinal???

Queers..that's not all that's dirty!
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Their demand: they want to be the only sinners in the cathedral who exult in their sins rather than repent them.They seem to be unclear on the concept of why the cathedral exists in the first place.
Per Archbishop Charles J Chaput:
We make a very serious mistake if we rely on media like the New York Times, Newsweek, CNN, or …More

Their demand: they want to be the only sinners in the cathedral who exult in their sins rather than repent them.They seem to be unclear on the concept of why the cathedral exists in the first place.

Per Archbishop Charles J Chaput:

We make a very serious mistake if we rely on media like the New York Times, Newsweek, CNN, or MSNBC for reliable news about religion.

These news media simply don’t provide trustworthy information about religious faith—and sometimes they can’t provide it, either because of limited resources or because of their own editorial prejudices. These are secular operations focused on making a profit. They have very little sympathy for the Catholic faith, and quite a lot of aggressive skepticism toward any religious community that claims to preach and teach God’s truth.

What is the difference between the grubby hands of these malcontents and the bloody hands of the demon worshipper Biden whom the cardinal invited for “coffee and communion”?

The cardinal seems able to stand up against the vermin who are relatively powerless, but can’t seem to stand up against the infinitely-dirtier but dramatically more powerful Biden.