Yesterday, Vice President Joe Biden implored about 20 religious leaders to press the moral issues behind gun control; it lasted two-and-a-half hours. There were representatives from all major U.S. religions, some liberal and some conservative. News stories only mentioned one Catholic at the meeting, Sr. Marjorie Clark.

Sr. Clark is one of seven “nuns on the bus” who campaigned for President Obama last fall; only two nuns made the entire trip. She belongs to NETWORK, a dissident group of elderly nuns who are known for never siding with the pro-life community. Indeed, this group is so radical that its founder, Sr. Marjorie Tuite, was threatened with expulsion from her order after she signed a pro-abortion petition in the 1980s.

We all know Biden’s position on abortion, but is it too much to ask this administration not to invite Catholic representatives who reject the Church’s teachings on this subject? Would they invite members of other religions who are at war with the seminal teachings of their faith? Why the exception for Catholics?

Just recently, President Obama saluted Planned Parenthood at a fundraiser with a “God bless you” goodbye. Now the vice president is embracing nuns whose dissident record on abortion is astonishing. Put together, the Obama team is sending an unmistakable message to practicing Catholics, and it is not one of endearment.

Catlholic League