Live Mike

Conspiracy Corner: What if 'they' are fitting out an army for Christian persecution in Europe?

"What we do see is that Russians are capturing modern US and NATO weapons by the ton and even using them to kill more Ukrainians. What irony. Also, what kinds of opportunities will be provided to terrorists [jihadists], with thousands of tons of deadly high-tech weapons floating around Europe? Washington has admitted that it has no way of tracking the weapons it is sending to Ukraine and no way to keep them out of the hands of the bad guys." - The Ukraine War is a Racket
"In the greatest loss of materiel in history, the Biden administration left $83 billion worth of military equipment in Afghanistan during the disastrous 2021 American withdrawal from that nation. Now, with billions in weaponry being sent to Ukraine, there’s a related concern" - Ukraine Con? Weapons Sent to War Zone May End Up in RUSSIAN Hands - The New American
"According to an admission obtained from the State Department, Biden officials recently directed federal agencies to scrub their websites of official reports detailing the $82.9 billion in military equipment and training provided to the Afghan security forces since 2001." - Biden Administration Erased Afghan Weapons Reports From Federal Websites
"In recent days, the Ukrainian authorities have said that some 20,000 people from 52 countries have applied to join the legion." - What impact will Ukraine’s foreign legion have on the war?
"Moscow is recruiting Syrians skilled in urban combat to fight in Ukraine as Russia’s invasion is poised to expand deeper into cities, according to U.S. officials." - WSJ News Exclusive | Russia Recruiting Syrians for Urban Combat in Ukraine, U.S. Officials Say
"In Ukraine, the appearance of mercenaries from third countries and even jihadists are increasingly being recorded." - Jihadists, mercenaries from third countries fighting Ukraine war: Putin
"How many volunteers will go to Ukraine is unknown. The most recent mass wave involved jihadists, who went to fight in Afghanistan, Iraq and particularly Syria, among other countries." - Foreign Fighters in Ukraine? Evaluating the Benefits and Risks
"Radical Islamic terrorists in Idlib / Syria are among those foreigners seeking to reach Ukraine to fight the Russians." - Terrorists from Syria go to Ukraine to fight Russia: will Turkey suffer?
"Islamic extremist movements are exploiting Moscow's "crusader" conflict in Kiev to launch new attacks. Celebrations for every 'Christian' victim on the Russian and Ukrainian sides." Isis-and-Jihad-ride-the-'Christian'-war-between-Russians-and-Ukrainians
"Highly Orchestrated Events Between Ukrainian Pres. Zelenskyy and Russian Pres. Putin as they're …

2012 - U.S. Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis’ Hands


2015 - How US and Russian Arms Fell into ISIS’ Hands
- Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US "Created" ISIS As A "Tool" To Overthrow Syria's President Assad
- Rise of Islamic State was ‘a willful decision’: Former DIA Chief Michael Flynn
- US ex-intelligence chief on ISIS rise: It was 'a willful Washington decision'
- 2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State “in order to isolate the Syrian regime”
- Das Märchen vom US-Masterplan für den "Islamischen Staat"
- Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq
- The ISIS Conspiracy That Ate the Web
- ISIS Leader Omar al-Shishani Fought Under US Umbrella as Late as 2013

2017 - Iraq: US military admits failures to monitor over $1 billion worth of arms transfers
- ISIS weapons arsenal included some purchased by U.S. government Weapons bought by the U.S. military ended up in the hands of ISIS fighters within two months, according to a report published by Conflict Armament Research.
- Over $1 Billion In US Army Equipment Lost In Iraq Could Fall Into ISIS Hands | The U.S. Army has failed to monitor over $1 billion worth of arms and other military equipment transfers to Kuwait and...
- In Shocking, Viral Interview, Qatar Confesses Secrets Behind Syrian War
- US army ‘lost track of $1bn worth of arms’
- The U.S. bought weapons for Syrian rebels - and some wound up in the hands of ISIS terrorists
- Arms supplied by U.S., Saudi ended up with Islamic State, researchers say
- Blowback: ISIS Got A Powerful Missile The CIA Secretly Bought In Bulgaria
- Weapons Went From The CIA To ISIS In Less Than Two Months

2018 - How Islamic State got its weapons

2019 - The US shipped weapons and secrets to the Saudis and Emiratis. Now, some are in the hands of fighters linked to al Qaeda and Iran.
Public domain
One more comment from Live Mike
Ludovic 2Nîm
It's a plan from the Western elite that is secretly communist like explained by Bella Dodd, in order to demilitarize the West. We have many prophecies that announce that Russia will attack France and Italy. Saint Pius X saw the Russian at Genoa and it didn't happen yet. Elena Aïello saw the flag of the Red Army on the dome of the Vatican at Rome. It's certain that the West is totally subjugated to …More
It's a plan from the Western elite that is secretly communist like explained by Bella Dodd, in order to demilitarize the West. We have many prophecies that announce that Russia will attack France and Italy. Saint Pius X saw the Russian at Genoa and it didn't happen yet. Elena Aïello saw the flag of the Red Army on the dome of the Vatican at Rome. It's certain that the West is totally subjugated to the communists so that they give their own countries to the East...
Live Mike
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity: Weapons Went From The CIA To ISIS In Less Than Two Months - 15 December 2017
Carlus shares this
Was die Menschen sähen, d.h. in der augenblicklichen Situation Ukraine bringt seine Frucht und das ist die Fortführung des 2. WK, der grenzenlos in den 3. WK übergeht.
Die USA bilden bereits ukrainische Soldaten an militärischen Geräte der USA in Deutschland aus. Dem folgt mit Sicherheit auch die Ausbildung von ukrainischen Soldaten an deutschem Militärgerät.
Ob Russland das will oder nicht die …More
Was die Menschen sähen, d.h. in der augenblicklichen Situation Ukraine bringt seine Frucht und das ist die Fortführung des 2. WK, der grenzenlos in den 3. WK übergeht.
Die USA bilden bereits ukrainische Soldaten an militärischen Geräte der USA in Deutschland aus. Dem folgt mit Sicherheit auch die Ausbildung von ukrainischen Soldaten an deutschem Militärgerät.
Ob Russland das will oder nicht die NATO und die USA zwingen sie in einen Krieg gegen die NATO hinein.