The Bones of Saint Peter (Video)

Pope Francis, the successor of Peter, exposed for the first time, the bones of St. Peter the first Pope, for public veneration. They were blessed by the Pope at the beginning of the Liturgy. For the faithful, they are a profound symbol and speak more loudly than any words of the continuity, solidity and role of the Church, founded by Jesus Christ and built upon Peter and the Apostles, as the hope for a world spiraling into confusion and seeking a solid rock upon which to stand.


For those who do not yet believe, the bones will be a source of intrigue and speculation. They will draw even skeptics to consider the claims of Christianity. In so doing, they will open them toward the God who loves them so much that He sent His only Son for their salvation. His grace knows no bounds and is freely given to lead all men and women home.

The bones of St. Peter, the rock upon which Jesus Christ, the Savior and King, established His Church, were placed on the side of the Altar during the homily. They will become a source of hope and inspiration in this new missionary age. The work of the Church continues!

Continued at Catholic Online