It is time that that the Church enter the public schools

Planned Parenthood has been there for decades Abortion Businesses Masquerade as Health Centers in K-12 Schools to Prey on Kids yet the Church remains silent while the children over which they have …More
Planned Parenthood has been there for decades Abortion Businesses Masquerade as Health Centers in K-12 Schools to Prey on Kids
yet the Church remains silent while the children over which they have charge are preyed on, this need not be so.]
Every Parish could hot a Students for Life chapter in the local schools to provide students the truth, that each child is a human made in the likeness of GOD. Start A Group - Students for Life of America
Why should the Church remain silent about eternal truths, The devil has not ever refrained from lying!
Tom Jones shares this
If no-one tells the truth then who will know it?